QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
Yes, but it was still clear that plenty of people were still kicking and screaming about it in the early 2010's regarding things like marriage.
Marriage was an activist hill to climb. There was already civil union that granted the majority if not all rights. It was a dunk on Christians meme. In the post gay marriage world the vast majority of gays do not get married and the vast majority of lesbians get divorced. Once it was allowed it was something that nobody cares about anymore and barely any wanted.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
Abortion and transgender issues are still suitable fuel for the outrage fire, though.
Transgender issues for minors is an issue. I don't care what fully informed consenting adults do.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
Pray tell, what was the transgender sexual preference, then?
Because not all of them are attracted to the same things.
Originally the majority were gay or had autogynophilia.
Now I'd say for bio women they are attracted to likes and social acceptance.
For bio men, the majority are still gay or have autogynophilia. There seems to be an increased proportion that are doing it for the likes among the Z.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
Also I don't think you can deny that transgender people have become a much more visible political football over the last decade. I don't think that is entirely by the choice of most trans people, either.
The post 2012 trans are hyper politicized. In surveys and polls 60-80% identify as far left.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
Not that there aren't also trans "Karens" out there making things worse and actively trying to draw attention - because there definitely are. Many of them have been featured on this and other threads.
Is that someone that uses Karen pronouns?
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
But (in part) I do think this can be blamed on conservatives in some areas (North Carolina for instance) finding that opposing issues like gay marriage isn't drawing in the votes like it used to, but things like bathroom access are still drawing the moral outrage and votes that their campaigns depend on. There are plenty of people who see transgenderism as strictly a public display of perversion.
Women fought for rights for 100 years and have many privileged rights now. If anyone can be a woman, then women no longer are privileged. From a non-political perspective, there were functional social reasons we have separate bathrooms and spaces for women separate from men. Usually for the protection of women and/or children. The first point is debatable, the second is rational.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
On a somewhat different subject, the ivory tower of academia needs to come crashing down.
And things like womens' studies (as they currently exist) just fuel outrage and introduce jargon that serves to isolate it and render it unable to address the general public in a meaningful way, rather than to do anything constructive to promote real changes.
The post 2012 trans movement lives and breathes the jargon created by radical feminists. The idea that gender is a social construction, neo-pronouns, and cis-genders. Virtually all of it is second hand smoke.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Apr 18 2023, 16:04)
Takeaway: the politics of outrage favor focusing on transgender people because it's harder to drum up the same level of anger about things like gay marriage now, but public understanding of transgenderism and the issues trans individuals face is still comparatively poor. Also Karens are a thing.
Intersectionality is driving out gays and lesbians from the LGBT. It will eventually become the Non-binary and Trans brigade (NBT).
I liked the old LGBT flag. It was symbolic and united people.
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Apr 19 2023, 05:32