Has some neat ideas for some cases (objects in a shell is interesting to think about), but it suffers from a problem of trying to do everything for everyone and thus making it hard to find what I'm looking for how to do.
Also it seems to work much better in windows, for some mysterious reason.
It is kinda funny, scientists there is no god but here is some science showing probably there is an omniscient being that created the simulation and knows everything about our reality.
So are people just arguing now whether there is a plan or a random simulation as a point of difference?
It is also possible that we just do not know enough about quantum physics to explain why the probability function collapses under our observation and how instant data transmission occurs with quantum entanglement.
He spoke briefly of his younger days in Hogwarts when he was a boy. Where did it go wrong...
I have been made aware of a poem written by our mutual enemy. He has endeavored to find a straight man to become his lover, as is custom for every swishy fellow's fantasy just as you bastards get turned on by women who are attracted to women: My sweetest Straightio, let us live and love, And though the sager sort our deeds reprove, Let us not weigh them : Heaven's great lamps do dive Into their west, and straight again revive, But soon as once set is our little light, Then must we sleep one ever-during night. If all would lead their lives in love like me, Then bloody swords and armor should not be, No drum nor trumpet peaceful sleeps should move, Unless alarm came from the camp of love. But fools do live, and waste their little light, And seek with pain their ever-during night.
When timely death my life and fortune ends, Let not my hearse be vext with mourning friends, But let all lovers, rich in triumph, come And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb; And, Straightio, close up thou my little light, And crown with love my ever-during night.