QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Feb 8 2023, 00:02)
Maybe testosterone causes depression and increased suicidal tendencies?
I mean, that would also explain it.
Its more different hormonal axis fall into disregulation, so issues with Serotonin and cortisol and that ties into the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and that ties into Testosterone levels.
Lower testosterone levels is associated with depression risk but that is because its symptom of the other hormone regulation systems going off the rails.
The current leading edge research is showing is the disregulation of several connected systems that influences depression rather than raw levels of hormones directly.
Some of the research shows that the issue is the actual lack of redundancy, even if there is some resiliency in our homostasis systems. We have systems for detecting levels and rate of change but often limited redundancy. If you disregulate the systems responsible for level or change of rate detection you get many slow burn disorders. Currently our medicine attempts to correct the symptoms, then the next gen targets overall levels but we ignore rate of change monitoring systems. The systems are interlinked, so you can get blunt level compensation for a failure somewhere in the the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
That then ties into the metabolic linkages with depression.
QUOTE(dragontamer8740 @ Feb 8 2023, 00:02)
Nah, that can't be it. I'm sure none of us posting in this thread are frequently depressed, frustrated, or tired of life, right?
(maybe all suicidal men are closeted trans women?)
I imagine everyone posting here is probably depressed to some extent at some stage.
Its like how they are finding that 80% of trans candidates were just misdiagnosed autists. Now we have activists saying we should test all autists for being trans.