I think it's so funny you accuse women of pandering to bad boys, slutshaming other women, and treating themselves as sex objections and verbally degrading themselves to get a trashy guy's attention, :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: but you do a complete 180 and accuse these very same women of being too damn feminist! WHICH ONE IS IT? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: RIDICULOUS!
Mags isn't bald, but he treats his vehicles better than he treats my whore mother
Communism wasn't trendy because they killed a 100m people or so, so they refocused on gender equity, but now anyone can be a women so it is just redistribution of wealth for everyone...
Everybody wants to a communist but nobody wants to be a hardworking farmer.
Everybody wants to a communist but nobody wants to be a hardworking farmer.
Certainly not an Amish farmer if the Biden IRS doesn't stop coming after them with audits because they do a lot of barter instead of using taxable cash transactions with each other. And Amish often help each other with bartered services instead of charging taxable job events with each other. It must really piss Biden's tax collectors off as they need money to pay for social welfare programs. Yet, the Amish protect each other with their own social services due to their hard working productive nature (and strict 10 Commandments religion of course).
IRS used to not tax barter, but modernized IRS Tax Laws now tax bartering such as the exchange of goods and services.
No wonder why the democrats want 87,000 more IRS agents to handle the increased need for audits. The IRS decided to make one Amish farmer the poster boy of their community. They did an audit. Part of it was an inventory of his assets including a list of his saleable or barterable goods and services. Supposedly they will recheck him periodically to make sure he will mark down items and services sold or bartered so that the transactions can be taxed. Furthermore, the USDA requires meat being distributed to be processed under USDA inspection and the farmer is required to pay for such inspection services. In cases where a local USDA office is necessary, the meat processor must pay for that as well.
Ironically, because the Amish don't do a lot of taxable transactions for massive profits, the $300,000 fine the farm has is mostly unpayable, so the Amish farmer will lose his farm after foreclosure. The Biden administration is doing something technically vicious just like how Trump was treated. To make sure the Amish farmer has a greater chance of losing, AND TO MAKE SURE no conservative lawyers defend the Amish farmer Pro Bono, the federal judge Edward G. Smith (he was appointed by President Obama to his current lifetime federal judge position) ruled that the Amish farmer does NOT have the right to choose his own attorney.