No one cares if you kill white people in the US. Its a political shit storm if you so much as injure someone of political usefulness though.
Does Drew Pavlou have any chance of winning an elected position in Australia's senate? Or has he angered too much the politically useful people to where they are ganging up against him?
Its totally not horrifying that the WHO wants universal compliance chips with your health compliance data tied to your identity tied to the block chain.
Its like they are just brainstorming the most dystopian future possible.
Its totally not horrifying that the WHO wants universal compliance chips with your health compliance data tied to your identity tied to the block chain. Its like they are just brainstorming the most dystopian future possible.
The health system is just another facet that is becoming weaponized by the woke activists that dominate or use the [] Chilling Effect in all parts of the workforce. CRT is entering more university medical schools all the time and influencing how rules and activities are framed in terms of racism. Medical schools should just concentrate on medicine and not SJW CRT idealism.
Pretty funny. Elites keep buying islands and coastline properties despite constantly talking of rising sea levels.
The rapid sea level 'rising' for some smaller island nations was actually due to insane over extraction of sand from the sea floor for countries going balls to the walls for concrete like China. Sea sand is almost being classified as a strategic resource and countries are drawing up borders now for sand extraction.
Its kind of weird that bankers keep investing into longer term investments then using climate scare to push governments into investing in the wrong things.
With the environmental and social equity score cards they even have slides for 'this is what the public believes' and 'this is what it actually is' because they are worried that bankers will believe their own BS and stop investing.
UN claims we should all work together like for the Ozone hole crisis... but they are ignore that pollution outsourced to China has re-opened the hole. Its political so nobody is mentioning the complete failure as long as the money keeps rolling in. You'd think our epic number one concern would be an epic number one concern.
Interesting rumors we're hearing from Texas LEOs. 'Per our debriefing, this wasn't an ordinary school shooting, it was something far worse. What those officers faced was overwhelming.'
The kids are being identified via DNA test. So, unrecognizable? The attacker had ~30m barricaded in with them until BORTAC showed up. And he was allegedly an incel/virgin with rage. So, maybe he went full Aristocrats on them?
Interesting rumors we're hearing from Texas LEOs. 'Per our debriefing, this wasn't an ordinary school shooting, it was something far worse. What those officers faced was overwhelming.'
The kids are being identified via DNA test. So, unrecognizable? The attacker had ~30m barricaded in with them until BORTAC showed up. And he was allegedly an incel/virgin with rage. So, maybe he went full Aristocrats on them?
Aren't Aristocrats those people who got taxed so they put their tea into the harbor
lmao @ the sound effects he's 100% right and the irony of posting this on a Japanese cartoon porn website as if that isn't exactly in line with what he's saying