Getting tired of these useless geoscience classes, no human being will ever see these fucking events that take 200 million years from start to end, but somehow it's "extremely" important to know everything abbout it
French actor Jussie Smollett threw his best friend Don Lemon under the bus by trying to claim that the CNN anchor was his advisor in the incident.
He got a text from Lemonhead that the cops didn't believe him. First Chris Cummo gets the axe from CNN and now Dong Lemonhead will hopefully be next followed by Anderson Pooper. That whole shitty network is falling apart like the Potato administration. Karma's a bitch.
Anne Boleyn Gave birth to Elizabeth I, pooped out a bunch of dead babies, was accused of high treason and then beheaded because Henry was obsessed with having a son.
Therefore it's highly likely in the show that she'll be crying alot and having her head removed at some point by an expert swordsman from Saint-Omer in France.
If the libtards want to see a black lady die on tv who am I to argue?
I will laugh hysterically if they can get away with making Elizabeth I black.
This post has been edited by Mags_: Dec 9 2021, 11:57
If the libtards want to see a black lady die on tv who am I to argue?
I don't think they know the story involving the whole actual patriarchy and beheading.
Its like how I was shocked that the show 'Dear White People' which was marketed as a show by Black people for Black People telling White people truths turned out to have all white show runners and producers.
So it was actually White people pretending to be black writers to con lefties.
The men that won the female writer of the year in Spain were biased. Journalists and critics were appalled because of the positive reviews they wrote because the writer was a feminist icon with stunning and brave female protagonists.
Mike Henry, a “Family Guy” voice actor who is white, said in a tweet that he would no longer play the role of Cleveland Brown, a black character who has appeared on that series since its debut in 1999.
Separately, the producers of “The Simpsons” said that the show, which recently completed its 31st season, would make even broader changes. “Moving forward, ‘The Simpsons’ will no longer have white actors voice nonwhite characters,” its producers said in a statement.
A lot of voice actors do multiple characters on animated series because it saves time and money.
Kristen Bell, who played the character Molly on the Apple TV Plus series “Central Park,” wrote in her own statement that casting “a mixed race character with a white actress” had undermined “the specificity of the mixed race and Black American experience.”
That makes absolutely no sense if a character is mixed both black and white. And it's a fucking cartoon, no one sees the person voicing them. The world has gone fucking insane.
We too are making wide-ranging changes. From now on ninja turtles will only be played by real ninja turtles, half-ghosts will be played by real half-ghosts, and youkai will be portrayed by the same type of youkai - no more akaname being played by akamantou. We heard you on this one. We are very excited about the level of authenticity of the lived experience which this will bring to our customers, who, by the way, we ask to please refrain from watching our show. If we do an episode about tenjoukudari, it's for tenjoukudari only. Please respect that.
A lot of voice actors do multiple characters on animated series because it saves time and money. That makes absolutely no sense if a character is mixed both black and white. And it's a fucking cartoon, no one sees the person voicing them. The world has gone fucking insane.
They should take black people that work at McDonalds and train/hire them, instead of hiring rich black voice actors for diversity. Alternatively, they could stop being racist and stop making everything a race thing.