QUOTE(Anime Janai @ Jun 16 2021, 03:05)
Haiti (france administered, nearly all black) and Dominican Republic (black, hispanic, mulatto) are on the same Island. Very different outcomes and land usage policies.
Well I have been trying to debunk the theory that races are radically different in intelligence. Nurture does account for maybe 30-50% of the outcomes but there is a genetic component for one factor.
Visual Spacial Intelligence.
Populations that possess the remnant 2.0% Neanderthal genes have one standard deviation higher performance on visual spacial intelligence tests regardless of country, education socio-economic status etc.
The populations with the remnant lineage? Europeans - Chinese - non-African Muslims - Chinese - 50%~ of India. There is a correlation with visual spacial intelligence and the most part economic development historically.
Humans may have had the meme backwards, thinking lighter skin somehow better, but it may have just been coincidence reflecting the DNA ancestry. The weirdest one, is chest hair correlating to higher intelligence in men which also seems to be related.
Visual spacial intelligence impacts on the ability to internalize concepts, intrapersonal communication and learning ability (at least with traditional models of education that focus on written and visual learning.).
So what is the leading theory of the difference between Haati and Dominican Republic? The French deforested mismanaged that part of the island into the ground.
The coincidence, Haiti 5% European genetic heritage (IQ non-scaled 67- 82) , Dominican Republic 74-90% European genetic heritage (IQ non-scaled 82-97).
edit: Wait? Is this the racist thread or the ironically racist thread?
This post has been edited by EsotericSatire: Jun 18 2021, 05:31