California tries to reduce discrimination in car insurance fees.
California continues to increase costs for those who statistically don't cause expensive societal problems by planning to require insurance companies to stop giving insurance discounts to those with white collar jobs or college degrees. []
Consumer watchdogs say that giving insurance discounts for those who have white collar jobs or college degrees is racial discrimination. California hispanics and blacks have fewer college degrees or white collar jobs than whites.
--- ---- ---- Recycling waste also has anti-discrimination problems in California.
[] California's recycling law charges a "CRV" fee for beverage containers that can be recycled. This encourages recycling and many people do recycle by putting their recyclable waste into the recycle containers for the trash collection trucks to pick up at homes and apartments. However, the fee charged on each recyclable container was deemed a tax on the poor and thus discriminatory. This is because poor people lack places to return the containers for a refund on the CRV paid for each container whereas wealthy people simply pay the CRV and then recycle the containers in home trash collection. This benefits the trash haulers who collect fees for selling off the recyclable materials.
The problem resulted when California raised the cost of doing business. This caused recycle centers all over the state to close down due to high costs of operation. With the loss of recycle centers refunding the CRV to consumers, the bottles were either tosses into the trash or recycle bins which didn't offer a refund. So California decided to charge supermarkets a $100 PER DAY fine if they didn't offer CRV refunds. Many stores, even "green" retailers such as Trader Joes, Costco, and Whole Foods opted to pay the daily fines instead of providing at their own cost for both space, staffing, facilities, cleanup, and storage of refundable materials. Such refund centers would also mean non-members (homeless and vagrants) would be able to enter and loiter on the properties of Costco for the purpose of returning empties for the recycling CRV monetary refund. Some Costco stores did provide CRV refunds, but most stores for Costco, Trader Joes, and Whole Foods didn't and chose to be fined instead.
It's an example of how recycling backfires in California, but the government bullheadedly chose to pass the costs onto the stores by upping the ante thru fines. The supermarkets chose to be fined rather than deal with the ugly process, and the higher business costs are passed onto the retail consumers.
HAHAHAHAHA The story that the internet enabled chastity belt was hacked and cucks were held to random and reported across loads of lefty media outlets was a prank by an Australian comedian
The guy has done it hundreds of times, he works under the assumption that Vice does zero research. He even said he fucked up twice and sent emails with his real account and name and they still fell for it.
Wow bit scary that they are legit faking press interviews with Biden now rather than doing real press interviews. He is legit manchurian candidate but instead of brainwashing he is senile.
Biden staff: Just photoshop some press in and audio like North Korea does.
The leftists consider media fakery and censorship to be their tools especially since a thousand years of historical facts, statistics, and even DNA science hasn't on their side. As censorship goes, the First Amendment lawsuit against Trump was dismissed. The lawsuit said that Trump violated people's rights when he used the Twitter feature to block any spammer or troll posting into his Twitter. Blocking spammers that make a twitter thread unreadable isn't allowed for Trump apparently.
The lower federal courts supported that ruling, thus showing they were politically leftist. The USA Supreme Court dismissed the case. Furthermore, Clarence Thomas made statements against tech media using its power to silence political speech.
Congress may vote to add a new state to the Union. Currently, the democrats are trying to push for Washington DC to become a state. The residents of Washington DC strongly vote democrat with the largest racial demographic being black. A 2007 report found that 1/3 of the residents are functionally illiterate which is appalling for the nation's capital.
A simple majority vote of the bicameral houses of Congress (Senate, House) is all that is needed. Kamela Harris will cast a Senate vote if a tiebreaker needed.
If Washington DC becomes a state, it will add two democrat senate votes. The name of the new state will be Washington Douglas Commonwealth. This allows the abbreviation to remain Washington DC. Douglass is the black rights activist who was against slavery. He was a Republican.
The proposed new state of Washington Douglass Commonwealth (named after a black activist) passed one hurdle. The House Oversight and Reform Committee convened on Monday, April 12th to hear the arguments for and against D.C. statehood, and Democrats pledge to bring the statehood bill to a vote before the summer. On Wednesday, April 14th, the Committee approved the statehood bill to send it to the House for a majority vote. If the bill passes the House on a simple majority vote, it will go to the Senate for a simple majority vote. If the Senate passes the bill, then it will go to President Biden for his signature.
To satisfy (or take advantage of) the Constitution's exact wording, Democrats plan to gerrymander the actual size of the seat of the federal government currently known as "Washington D.C." to be substantially smaller. Then, the parts of the former Washington D.C. and a few other bits would be incorporated to delimit the area for the purposes of statehood and those peoples, excepting the new much-reduced size of the Washington federal seat of the USA government, would go for statehood as Washington Douglass Commonwealth.
How do votes by citizens go? As you all know, past presidents and their families have always been able to vote in elections. If the federal capital is reduced to a tiny postage stamp of the most critical and iconic federal buildings, that means the White House is possibly the only official residential building in the capital. Currently, the capital doesn't have members in the House and Senate because it isn't a state, but it does have electoral college members based upon its population. Does that mean the White House and Kamala Harris's vice presidential house, with five total people, will wield the power of 3 electoral college votes? It should because the 23rd Amendment still exists and it gives the residents of the federal district of Washington three electoral votes. So the five people living there control electoral votes. It would be a hoot if president biden cast an electoral vote for himself and Kamala to repeat in the 2024 election.
In the Senate, 60 votes is required to overcome a Filibuster.
This post has been edited by Anime Janai: Apr 15 2021, 09:48
CNN, whilst covering peaceful protests, got pelted with frozen water bottles, rocks and eggs and were driven out by mostly peaceful threats of violence.
Once the Smithsonian Museum becomes located not in Washington federal seat of the government, but in the state of Washington, Douglas Commonwealth, the black led legislature can pass a law to strong arm the Smithsonian to be renamed (or it will be subject to a ton of indirect taxes). Will it be renamed to support diversity? At least all those pro-whitey exhibits need to be taken down and replaced with diversity-supporting exhibits.
There are a lot of monuments that need to be torn down and replaced such as the statues of g. Washington need to be replaced with statues of Frederick Douglass.
New York state led the way with the first "tax" on citizens of other states commuting there. New Jersey residents must pay an extra toll when crossing the George Washington bridge that connects New York and New Jersey as they commute to work in New York. Can the State of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth charge taxes upon those senators and representatives living outside of their state? The answer is Yes. With enough taxes, the citizens of Wakanda Douglass Commonwealth can have their state legislature vote to give qualified state residents (PoC requirement) an annual universal income.