Title: [Tuna Empire] After School Slave Club Second Lesson Ch1-5 (otherworldgame.net) Images: 110
Tuna Empire
After School Slave Club Second Lesson Ch1-5
1-2,4-5 Translated by N04h <a href="https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=146740">https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showtopic=146740</a> 3 Translated by Geylnidae
1-2,4-5 Typeset by Daisy_Strike 3 Typeset by Geylnidae
Title: [Fanatic Fetish (Tsukioka Kirio)] Various Translations [N04h] Images: 28
This is an attempt to fill in the gaps of the early Fanatic Fetish sets that were only partially translated until now.
Translated by N04h Commissioned and edited by me
Images are from Elixir, White Lovers, and various Pixiv pages. I used decensored pics where possible, and also included some remasters and colorized versions as a bonus. This is an ongoing project. Pages from Spermagic and Strawberry Shake are upcoming.