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post Feb 12 2013, 03:10
Post #1261
Herp in your Derp

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Look on the bright side, you could end up with like 500,000+ karma by the end of the month at this rate.

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:11
Post #1262

The Devouring Chaos
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Feb 11 2013, 17:09) *

Paranoia (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

And power regen is super high now a days.

I'm not sure if this counts as paranoia at this point!!!!

@Herp. I sent you karma back. Read it. I've gained more karma today than during my ENTIRE time here up to today.

I'm surprised not a single comment has said: "Hurry up and die already so my monster can get another kill."

Wait..... +1060 skillchip 108651 DOOM RAINS DOWN ON YOU!

Close enough...

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 12 2013, 03:24
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:24
Post #1263
tazmanian devil

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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 11 2013, 18:40) *

And seriously, why is everyone shoving karma at me? Are you all TRYING to kill me?

I'm just a lemming, jumping on the bandwagon.
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:25
Post #1264
Herp in your Derp

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Gain about 25 lvls and then PM Frith if you want that comment (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:31
Post #1265

Mathematical Trashcat
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My comment rocks
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:33
Post #1266

Old Marshal Winter
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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 11 2013, 19:58) *

I. Hate. All. Of. You.
Edit: I. Hate. ALL. Of. You.

I swear you all timed that. Right as I needed the spark too...

But ha! now you can't do it again for another three days!
Darn player killers >.>

I'm going to call it now. In about an hour, while i'm doing my next RE, I'm going to get karma jumped again =_= . But I have a plan! I'll wait until the karma jump wave is over!

How much Karma are you up to? I can't have been the only one to jump on the bandwagon (my 429 power shouldn't be enough to even budge a regular), you're just asking for it too hard.
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:44
Post #1267
Herp in your Derp

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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 12 2013, 01:11) *

This could be karma (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:52
Post #1268

Old Marshal Winter
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QUOTE(Herp in your Derp @ Feb 11 2013, 21:44) *

This could be karma (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

Considered trying to buy off Snowflake with some Karma?
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:52
Post #1269

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Weaponized karma... my god...
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:58
Post #1270

Old Marshal Winter
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QUOTE(Maximum_Joe @ Feb 11 2013, 21:52) *

Weaponized karma... my god...

Hey, you weaponized cute (that new Chen avatar is retardedly adorable). (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

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post Feb 12 2013, 03:58
Post #1271

Mathematical Trashcat
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Joe thought he would never see the day good karma could go bad

This post has been edited by skillchip: Feb 12 2013, 03:59
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post Feb 12 2013, 04:11
Post #1272

The Devouring Chaos
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You have imbued PK678353 with 3.99 points of karma.


Seriously, I think we've successfully turned karma into a weapon...

I wonder if Tenboro is going to officially add pvp after this...

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 12 2013, 04:19
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post Feb 12 2013, 04:18
Post #1273

Mathematical Trashcat
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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 12 2013, 02:11) *

Seriously, I think we've successfully turned karma into a weapon...

You have imbued this member with karma too recently.

Time remaining before you can imbue this member again:

2 days 21 hours

I'm waiting (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Feb 12 2013, 04:19
Post #1274

The Devouring Chaos
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Feb 11 2013, 18:18) *

You have imbued this member with karma too recently.

Time remaining before you can imbue this member again:

2 days 21 hours

I'm waiting (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

You monster D:

By the end of the day, I'll have over 1m karma... =_=

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 12 2013, 04:46
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post Feb 12 2013, 05:39
Post #1275

~ Loli Trainer ~
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Hmm what is going on? Might as well send some Karma.
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post Feb 12 2013, 05:40
Post #1276

Old Marshal Winter
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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 11 2013, 22:11) *

You have imbued PK678353 with 3.99 points of karma.

Seriously, I think we've successfully turned karma into a weapon...

I wonder if Tenboro is going to officially add pvp after this...

PVP is kind of pointless. First Silence that sticks wins, since it prevents putting up SS/Spark. It would be insane rocket tag. I would venture to say that a single T3 AoE from any mage worth their salt would OHKO most players without a defense up.

This post has been edited by PK678353: Feb 12 2013, 05:44
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post Feb 12 2013, 05:45
Post #1277

The Devouring Chaos
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QUOTE(PK678353 @ Feb 11 2013, 19:40) *

PVP is kind of pointless. First Silence that sticks wins.

Make it so Silence doesn't work in PvP? There are plenty of games where PvP and PvE have different skill effects (like one skill will say do 100000 damage in PvE and stun while in PvP it will do 1000 damage and lower attack power)

Why is everyone trying so hard to kill me @_@
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post Feb 12 2013, 05:52
Post #1278

Old Marshal Winter
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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 11 2013, 23:45) *

Make it so Silence doesn't work in PvP? There are plenty of games where PvP and PvE have different skill effects (like one skill will say do 100000 damage in PvE and stun while in PvP it will do 1000 damage and lower attack power)

You just want to eat people, don't you?

This post has been edited by PK678353: Feb 12 2013, 05:52
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post Feb 12 2013, 05:59
Post #1279

A Legendary Collector
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QUOTE(Arxdewn @ Feb 11 2013, 10:44) *

Yes, melee is safer, but takes considerably longer to clear rounds. Like, 3 times as many turns longer.

Not true.
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post Feb 12 2013, 06:07
Post #1280

The Devouring Chaos
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QUOTE(PK678353 @ Feb 11 2013, 19:52) *

You just want to eat people, don't you?

Revenge! I wants it! Jk, Jk... I'm a healer, not a fighter. I just want to see something other than fighting monsters all day. Same reason I kind of want to see a party dungeon even though it would not be practical due to it having to be more real time (or it would take ages or there would be some issues).

But seriously, we could set it up similar to G*2 where everyone is effectively adjusted to be the right level range for pvp. Say if 500 was the base, anyone above say 550 would be dropped to 550 stat-wise. Anyone under 450 would be bumped to 450 stat-wise. Everyone else stays the same. This allows people to fight more based on skill than pure levels. Higher level players obviously would have more things unlocked and thus could still have an advantage from that.

Have certain skills have tweaked effects. Like silence could instead reduce magical damage/healing/proc chance/spell durations. Make it so that sleep has a reduced duration and gives immunity or very high resistance to a second sleep proc while it is active. Things like that.


Since I'm suggesting party dungeons again...

Sorta like four players working together.

One way to make it work non-real time would be: Each player has their own set of monsters but players can see each other and each other's monsters. If a player is designated as say the healer of the group, their mobs could be split among the other three and that player would not be able to attack any mobs in exchange. Otherwise, each player has the option to attack any of the monsters and the monsters take turns based on when their player takes an action or based on a timer, whichever comes first. Say the monsters take movements based on a timer of 45 seconds or their player's action.

Obviously, if it was possible to do it real time that would be the best >.>

QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Feb 11 2013, 19:59) *

Not true.

I'm glad a high level finally said something about that.


Seriously, tenboro, let me donate D: . I want gold status D:

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 12 2013, 06:14
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