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post Feb 11 2013, 05:44
Post #1241

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Yes, melee is safer, but takes considerably longer to clear rounds. Like, 3 times as many turns longer.
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post Feb 11 2013, 10:48
Post #1242

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QUOTE(lightshader @ Feb 9 2013, 20:33) *

During my hourly battle I noticed something strange. At start, everything was normal as shown here:

Because I never use spirit for anything other than SoL, I didn't even notice this until I recast SoL and saw that my HP didn't turn silver.

SoL takes 50% of base spirit points

not your max sp

This post has been edited by eqwer: Feb 11 2013, 10:49
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post Feb 11 2013, 14:51
Post #1243

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QUOTE(eqwer @ Feb 11 2013, 03:48) *

SoL takes 50% of base spirit points

not your max sp

Please explain your math on that. I am not aware of anything that _reduces_ SP, so if there is a difference between base and max SP it must either have occurred during the fight (leveling or powerlevel increase) or the SP cost of SoL would be less than half the current max, right? What am I missing?
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post Feb 11 2013, 16:43
Post #1244

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QUOTE(tadprime @ Feb 11 2013, 13:51) *

Please explain your math on that. I am not aware of anything that _reduces_ SP, so if there is a difference between base and max SP it must either have occurred during the fight (leveling or powerlevel increase) or the SP cost of SoL would be less than half the current max, right? What am I missing?

Already explained on the "Ask the experts" thread, your base SP might increase if someone imbues you with karma (-> increasing your power, therefore your base SP).
About the difference between base and max SP, it's just about SP tanks. For example, my base is 125 and my max is 192, so I lose 62 (or 63, never checked the rounding) and have 130sp left.
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post Feb 11 2013, 18:21
Post #1245

The Devouring Chaos
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In other words, they are effectively the same for whether you can use SoL due to the fact that they are related. If one goes up due to karma, the other will too and thus the cost of SoL will go up. pervdiz's explaination is probably the easiest way to understand it though.

Also, eqwer has a habit of only paying attention to what makes him right. I don't know if he is trolling on purpose or if he has tunnel vision.

If you look at the screenshots, you'll see what the person was actually talking about. Pay attention to the first two screenshots. See how his base SP jumps from 249 to 256?

Although I have to say that the 128 taken away is correct since the boost in base sp didn't raise his current sp. 149-128=121.

As I've mentioned before, this has happened to me before-and it is annoying when it happens and it is much worse for lower level players since even a kind act can kill them.

Say they have no karma and are level 110 (about when they'll be used to SoL). I just happen to go on a random karma giving trip and select a random low level by going through the member numbers...

Suddenly mid-battle they jump from say 200 SP with a base of 150 to say 599 total SP with a base of 450.... but their current SP is still 200 and now they need 225 SP to use SoL. If they were about to get hit and knocked to death, I just killed them by jumping their base SP. What really worries me is whether they will die or spark if they are killed that turn that they get jumped in SP/karma.

If they've already sparked, pretty much any sudden major jump in karma can kill them at the lower levels.

QUOTE(lightshader @ Feb 9 2013, 10:33) *

During my hourly battle I noticed something strange. At start, everything was normal as shown here:

(IMG:[puu.sh] http://puu.sh/1ZTUt.png)

But then on next round when I cast SV, my Spirit pool suddenly jumped (I didn't even notice that at the time).

(IMG:[puu.sh] http://puu.sh/1ZTVn.png)

Which of course was a potentially serious situation, since SoL takes 50% of spirit points when it procs.

Just before SoL proc:
(IMG:[puu.sh] http://puu.sh/1ZTRu.png)

And it did, but when that happened, it didn't take 50% of the spirit points; if it was either original 249 or new 256, I would've ended up with 124 or 128 left respectively. Instead I got 121 left, which is more than 50%.

After SoL proc:
(IMG:[puu.sh] http://puu.sh/1ZTSD.png)

Because I never use spirit for anything other than SoL, I didn't even notice this until I recast SoL and saw that my HP didn't turn silver.

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 11 2013, 18:48
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post Feb 11 2013, 18:57
Post #1246

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I don't think imbue Karma is much of a problem. You need to imbue Karma right at the moment that the target has exact enough SP to spark but not enough HP to survive and enough Karma to be increased to the next level. It's like trying to use a bow to shoot an arrow to a specific rain drop in a storm while wearing a blindfold.
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post Feb 11 2013, 19:02
Post #1247

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QUOTE(chamois @ Feb 11 2013, 08:57) *

I don't think imbue Karma is much of a problem. You need to imbue Karma right at the moment that the target has exact enough SP to spark but not enough HP to survive and enough Karma to be increased to the next level. It's like trying to use a bow to shoot an arrow to a specific rain drop in a storm while wearing a blindfold.

Or just whenever they don't have SP pots left? If they are a mage, they probably won't survive using soul to recover SP. And if you wanted to specifically try to kill someone, just watch them for a period of a week. You'll start seeing when they level and when they are on and such.

Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration compiled primarily from newspaper clippings for 1959-1990 identified an annual average of 93 deaths and 257 injuries attributable to lightning

Yeah rare, but happens.

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 11 2013, 19:12
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post Feb 11 2013, 19:38
Post #1248
Herp in your Derp

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(IMG:[theocddiaries.com] http://theocddiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/paranoia.jpg)
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post Feb 11 2013, 20:41
Post #1249

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QUOTE(Herp in your Derp @ Feb 11 2013, 09:38) *

I don't think it counts as paranoia when it has already happened... More of dwelling on the past. As i said, it has happened to me twice. It has obviously happened to others also though I'm not sure how bad it was for them.

And as i mentioned, if it was just me that was affected, I wouldn't care since I'm already past the point where anything but an intentional attempt can hurt me. It is the low levels/new players that I'm worried about.

My fortune for last year (the past four years really): Worst Luck (Worst Misfortune Possible really)

I wonder what my "fortune" for this year is going to be... Will I break my worst luck streak? Getting hit by cars is not fun...

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 11 2013, 20:49
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post Feb 11 2013, 20:51
Post #1250

Mathematical Trashcat
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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 11 2013, 18:41) *

I don't think it counts as paranoia when it has already happened... More of dwelling on the past. As i said, it has happened to me twice. It has obviously happened to others also though I'm not sure how bad it was for them.
And as i mentioned, if it was just me that was affected, I wouldn't care since I'm already past the point where anything but an intentional attempt can hurt me. It is the low levels/new players that I'm worried about.

My fortune for last year (the past four years really): Worst Luck (Worst Misfortune Possible really)

I wonder what my "fortune" for this year is going to be... Will I break my worst luck streak? Getting hit by cars is not fun...

Why should anyone care about this? Karma is going bye bye.
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post Feb 11 2013, 21:30
Post #1251
Herp in your Derp

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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 11 2013, 18:41) *

I don't think it counts as paranoia when it has already happened... More of dwelling on the past. As i said, it has happened to me twice. It has obviously happened to others also though I'm not sure how bad it was for them.
And as i mentioned, if it was just me that was affected, I wouldn't care since I'm already past the point where anything but an intentional attempt can hurt me. It is the low levels/new players that I'm worried about.

My fortune for last year (the past four years really): Worst Luck (Worst Misfortune Possible really)

I wonder what my "fortune" for this year is going to be... Will I break my worst luck streak? Getting hit by cars is not fun...

Literally paranoid.
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post Feb 11 2013, 21:56
Post #1252

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love this game (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

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post Feb 11 2013, 22:00
Post #1253

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@skillchip, true, but it isn't gone yet and i'm worried that whatever future power booster there might be could potentially have the same issue.

QUOTE(Herp in your Derp @ Feb 11 2013, 11:30) *

Literally paranoid.

par·a·noid (pr-noid)
1. Relating to, characteristic of, or affected with paranoia.
2. Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others:

2 is true. I distrust people (specific people) though in my case it isn't irrational. Once bitten, twice shy. Except I've been bitten more times than can be counted. Those specific people go out of their way to screw me over. (They've stolen from me, attacked me, gone out of their way to spread rumors about me, etc.)

par·a·noi·a (pr-noi)
1. A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.
2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others.

2 is only somewhat true (the people I distrust have harmed me before). 1 not so much. As I said, I don't think (most) people are after me. I think that they are just triggering my 'bad luck'

I do have a huge distrust of cars. As I mentioned, I get hit by a LOT of cars. A lot more than I should reasonably be hit by. But do I think that they are specifically going after me? Not so much-I just think that they don't pay attention. (And trust me, people don't. They turn without looking where they are turning, they don't stop at stoplights (I was hit by a car that ran a red light). They are busy texting on their phones (even though it is illegal to do so now here) instead of watching the road while they drive (and driving up the sidewalk as a result, hitting me). And so on. Are they after me? Not specifically, they just are typical Americans-they don't pay attention to their surroundings. I'm still going to take precautions though. I'm very good at running VERY fast now as an example of a precaution.

What I have a major distrust of are specific people though (And I can count on my hands those people). People that have stolen thousands from me. People that have tried to strangle me to death. People that have tried to push me into an oncoming subway train (they ran away after). People that have spread lies about me in order to try to screw me over.

I am barely paranoid. As I said, stuff that has happened in the past. If someone tried to strangle you in the past, would YOU trust them? If not, then by your own definition, you are paranoid.

If you said I am superstitious... I'd have to agree. I'm normally not that superstitious but... after 4 years... Yeah, I kinda believe that I'm having some bad luck streak. It is either that or I can believe that some higher power is trying to get me and I'll take the bad luck streak since that can be explained scientifically.


+623 physics152 108651 Saikyo Karma Taunt

And that is exactly why I didn't start RE... Now to wait for my SP to recover back to full =_=

When you receive karma and the person's comment was: "i hear you don't like getting karma"


This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 11 2013, 23:52
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post Feb 12 2013, 01:25
Post #1254

Mathematical Trashcat
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QUOTE(MikukoAya @ Feb 11 2013, 20:00) *

When you receive karma and the person's comment was: "i hear you don't like getting karma"


Check your karma log
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post Feb 12 2013, 01:58
Post #1255

The Devouring Chaos
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QUOTE(skillchip @ Feb 11 2013, 15:25) *

Check your karma log

I. Hate. All. Of. You.

Edit: I. Hate. ALL. Of. You.

I swear you all timed that. Right as I needed the spark too...

But ha! now you can't do it again for another three days!

Darn player killers >.>

I'm going to call it now. In about an hour, while i'm doing my next RE, I'm going to get karma jumped again =_= . But I have a plan! I'll wait until the karma jump wave is over!

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 12 2013, 02:09
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post Feb 12 2013, 02:24
Post #1256

My lid is stuck.
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(IMG:[i480.photobucket.com] http://i480.photobucket.com/albums/rr163/anomtai/karmalog2-13_zpscba59ac6.png)
Are people going through the trouble of manually entering my K link into their address bars?
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post Feb 12 2013, 02:30
Post #1257

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QUOTE(Anomtai @ Feb 11 2013, 19:24) *

Are people going through the trouble of manually entering my K link into their address bars?

Nope on left side next to your level there is a K+. ( Level 299 (Godslayer)+K )

This post has been edited by jacksy: Feb 12 2013, 02:31
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post Feb 12 2013, 02:40
Post #1258

My lid is stuck.
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QUOTE(jacksy @ Feb 12 2013, 00:30) *

Nope on left side next to your level there is a K+. ( Level 299 (Godslayer)+K )

I know, but when that link is used, it leaves a topic number in the karma log.
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post Feb 12 2013, 02:40
Post #1259

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QUOTE(jacksy @ Feb 11 2013, 16:30) *

Nope on left side next to your level there is a K+. ( Level 299 (Godslayer)+K )

He means the fact that there are ones not attached to a topic.

Well, it is easy enough to manually enter. Just have the basic karma code and then throw in the user's number.

Or just remove the topic ID...

Btw, anomtai, check your karma and see my karma to you XD

And seriously, why is everyone shoving karma at me? Are you all TRYING to kill me?

You have imbued Nottle with 1 point of karma.
Your Karma Influence Power has been drained, and is now 4.

I GAINED Karma Influence Power instead of losing it? 0_o It actually did make me gain it too. I just checked.

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 12 2013, 03:05
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post Feb 12 2013, 03:09
Post #1260

Mathematical Trashcat
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Paranoia (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

And power regen is super high now a days.
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