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> HentaiVerse 0.73, Keep Calm and Grind On

post Feb 6 2013, 10:28
Post #1121

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Honestly, I'm not a bot, but I'm online almost 24/7 . Why? Because if I have a good source of water to sleep in, I only need 3 hours of sleep.

That and I'm on during work (I turn off images while at work obviously)

*Stares at Big watertight container for 30 USD*


Of course, I have other things to do other than watch the hath exchange and play the HV.

Like programming (Hence second computer and cheap keyboard for second computer, spare mouse, and feet), web design for clients, etc.

"WTH are you going to do? Play the MMO with your feet?"

"You have no hands, no feet what are you going to use?"
"Well, I just disinfected this fighting stick and I have a mouth and a tongue you know."


I wasn't joking when I said I like to play HV, my ps3, online games, do homework, listen to music, and watch anime -sometimes at the same time. Quite amusing when people are surprised at how well I am healing in an MMO and I tell them that I won't be able to heal them in extra hard dungeons because I'm playing with my feet cus I'm doing homework (ironically, usually this is in situations where they don't expect to survive because of the difficulty level-often while they are relying on me being a stable healer). (If that gives away who I am to any of you, don't say anything! Just acknowledge that the 'insane healer of ***' is playing HV now.)

I don't have Katsuragi Keima's ability to move super fast (dexterity wise) unfortunately... or the money to buy like twenty different systems and have a private room to put all those systems in. I wish I had that. Imagine what I could do @_@ .

My point? If I can do that, think about what other people can do! (Almost anyone can do it if they train themselves over a course of 20+ years (I'll mentally sta* the first person that says too old) so imagine the people that are especially talented at it or who have worked even harder at it).

That reminds me... >.> I keep forgetting to do that... =_= Well, I have a nice long weekend coming up soon.

edit: lost a few words there, lol.

This post has been edited by MikukoAya: Feb 6 2013, 10:40
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post Feb 6 2013, 10:41
Post #1122

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QUOTE(Nottle @ Feb 6 2013, 09:58) *
Even a 24/7-activity wouldnt be a proof either because you could e.g. say, that he has a partner, who just go to the computer while the other one is sleeping

[02varvara.files.wordpress.com] déjà vu (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Feb 6 2013, 10:47
Post #1123

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QUOTE(Nottle @ Feb 6 2013, 14:58) *

Chances. Proof isnt essential for different qualitiy of suggestions.
I´ve also noticed that he always gets a bunch of Hath for 15k really every day. Thats not a proof. Even a 24/7-activity wouldnt be a proof either because you could e.g. say, that he has a partner, who just go to the computer while the other one is sleeping . But every day of such bids increases the chances that he is a botter.
Not a proof, but its enough to ask Tenb to just checking out.

I am wondering what proof you would demand, if someone suggest to make captchas/riddlemaster on arenas. (if they werent there already). (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Maybe you would also say: Stop QQ and make your own arenas.


How hard is it to check every few minutes, and bid 15k on all unbids?

I can do that, but I won't. That's not to say someone can't, or won't.

And props to him. He's figuring out a good source of income, buy low and sell higher. Good for him.

Seriously, I have not seen 1 piece of convincing argument/evidence against this guy. It all sounds like QQing to me.

Why do I know this? I've been here before and have seen hath exchange botters being banned (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Feb 6 2013, 11:06
Post #1124

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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Feb 6 2013, 09:47) *

How hard is it to check every few minutes, and bid 15k on all unbids?

I can do that, but I won't. That's not to say someone can't, or won't.

And props to him. He's figuring out a good source of income, buy low and sell higher. Good for him.

Seriously, I have not seen 1 piece of convincing argument/evidence against this guy. It all sounds like QQing to me.

Why do I know this? I've been here before and have seen hath exchange botters being banned (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Buddy, why are you still arguing over this?

Remember the saying about people not being able to tell you and the other one apart? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Feb 6 2013, 11:40
Post #1125

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QUOTE(Hoheneim @ Feb 6 2013, 16:06) *

Buddy, why are you still arguing over this?

Remember the saying about people not being able to tell you and the other one apart? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Cause I'm at work and I need some entertainment (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

There's a reason I changed my profile picture (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
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post Feb 6 2013, 13:02
Post #1126

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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Feb 6 2013, 09:47) *

How hard is it to check every few minutes, and bid 15k on all unbids?

I can do that, but I won't. That's not to say someone can't, or won't.

And props to him. He's figuring out a good source of income, buy low and sell higher. Good for him.

Seriously, I have not seen 1 piece of convincing argument/evidence against this guy. It all sounds like QQing to me.

Why do I know this? I've been here before and have seen hath exchange botters being banned (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

What if he is just another account of yours and thats why you are defending him? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)
(IMG:[cdn.memegenerator.net] http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/30621787.jpg)
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post Feb 6 2013, 13:23
Post #1127

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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I'll agree with MikukoAya, ChosenUno, etc. here.

As for anti-cheating other than captcha: Making cheating worse option, for one?

Cute log. Not proof of cheating. I'd see that you'd have a case to monitor if it was more than 24h, every hour, in a row.....This seems fairly normal for someone who prefers to buy his hath off exchange rather than off players. Or you could rapidly sell some hath at bit under 15k and see if there's a pattern in buying them. :rolleyes:

And finally, my biggest question here: Let's assume someone(probably not this guy, but that's another story) is actually cheating by running a bot that bids on things lower than 15k to bring them up to that. Given that they're not being overbidden by you you must agree that 15k is quite fair price. Ridiculously small buyouts would be snapped up nigh-instantly, too. Exactly, why does this warrant a captcha?

While the site drain is obvious from F5ing every second, it is obvious and with what Tenboro already tracks I'd be surprised if he didn't track this.
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post Feb 6 2013, 14:00
Post #1128

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bots are bad mkay 1H 44M ago 1 Hath 1,000 C 5,000 C 866,041 C ggxxsol

We can stop the discussion now?
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post Feb 6 2013, 14:16
Post #1129

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Another one bites the dust!
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post Feb 6 2013, 17:27
Post #1130

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QUOTE(Lement @ Feb 6 2013, 04:51) *

It doesn't matter who nailed it - somebody always wants to buy haths, and would have bought them. Someone is always checking hath exchange. And somebody always sells hath still at prices from year ago. Buying hath cheapest you can isn't proof of cheating - 15k is even the market price.

It however isn't worth the time to stalk it either, but people can get bored from just killing monsters. In the end, it is just a game. If you cannot be bothered to stalk it, and can't be bothered to use that time to grind, either, that's completely ok as well...But complaining that someone is willing to do one of them - I certainly remember some of the complaining when Tenboro revealed one char obtaining millions from gf in a day - makes one just look bad. Wanting to have captcha on all deals when there's less than worthy amount of deals that are set under the market price that would be nabbed by anybody on top of that? Take a guess.

eqwer: I was IWing for cash before I unlocked Arcane Focus, you don't need to be high-level to IW - in fact, at high level it is better to gf if you have the crystarium perks, while IWing is more for those who lack them. He may be not as strong as top-line players, but that means that he won't do as well in things he could do other than IWing as well though.

high level is for general hv experince, not for iw. when you have higher level, you kill faster, riching faster, and it is neccery to have enough level for full action speed

QUOTE(skillchip @ Feb 6 2013, 04:53) *

It is just ironic that it was easier to IW at lower levels then higher huh

but lowbie can never do iw like HTTP does, finish IWBTH for 200 rounds in short time just insane for lowbies

This post has been edited by eqwer: Feb 6 2013, 17:31
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post Feb 6 2013, 17:34
Post #1131

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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....Isn't HTTP a dark mage?
You get richer faster due more arenas, but it doesn't make you stronger by itself when you don't actually have any relevant abilities remaining.

I finish IWs at same difficulty twice as fast now as when I started, but I think I take sth like 50% more turns.

This post has been edited by Lement: Feb 6 2013, 17:35
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post Feb 6 2013, 17:41
Post #1132

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QUOTE(Lement @ Feb 6 2013, 17:34) *

....Isn't HTTP a dark mage?
You get richer faster due more arenas, but it doesn't make you stronger by itself when you don't actually have any relevant abilities remaining.

I finish IWs at same difficulty twice as fast now as when I started, but I think I take sth like 50% more turns.

seems HTTP had turned into shadowdancer

higher level definitely make you stronger, all RPG characters become stronger when they have higher level, it will be very strange for any games that when a player play more time, achieve higher level, he become weaker

in situation of hv, higher mages have more mana, more damage output, higher melee have higher defense, higher attacking power too

This post has been edited by eqwer: Feb 6 2013, 17:45
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post Feb 6 2013, 18:40
Post #1133

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QUOTE(eqwer @ Feb 6 2013, 23:41) *

seems HTTP had turned into shadowdancer

Unless I've gone mad.
Shade is simply too weak<=>inefficient compared to any heavy build.

QUOTE(eqwer @ Feb 6 2013, 23:41) *
higher level definitely make you stronger, all RPG characters become stronger when they have higher level, it will be very strange for any games that when a player play more time, achieve higher level, he become weaker
in situation of hv, higher mages have more mana, more damage output, higher melee have higher defense, higher attacking power too

Well, melee is getting slightly stronger with higher level.
Mage is probably getting weaker, not sure how much.

This post has been edited by HTTP/308: Feb 6 2013, 18:42
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post Feb 6 2013, 20:47
Post #1134

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QUOTE(HTTP/308 @ Feb 6 2013, 08:40) *

Unless I've gone mad.
Shade is simply too weak<=>inefficient compared to any heavy build.
Well, melee is getting slightly stronger with higher level.
Mage is probably getting weaker, not sure how much.

Except from what I've seen thus far it is more of the mobs are getting stronger against magic rather than the mages themselves actually getting weaker.
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post Feb 7 2013, 04:28
Post #1135

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I gotta learn how to play HV with my feet (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
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post Feb 7 2013, 04:41
Post #1136

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QUOTE(HTTP/308 @ Feb 6 2013, 18:40) *

Mage is probably getting weaker, not sure how much.

might be that start from lv340 to lv400+?

for me and Lement, we still need some levels to act in full speed, without full speed hv just too hard----- trio and the tree seems impossible to achieve, iw achievements is even impossible to think, @IWBTH with Legendary item is (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Feb 7 2013, 06:37
Post #1137

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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You get slowly weaker from 340+ without any new mobs.

You get that same slow weakening from 200+ too....Expect you also get quick weakening due stronger mobs popping up as you level too. Getting a schoolgirl arena every 20 levels isn't that big of a benefit, nor is health tank, mp tank, sp tank and magnet at 250.

Your skill however increases, as do your loot drop trainings and hath perks.

Addendum: What's up with that needless wishing for doable IWBTH? It's IWBTH, it is not supposed to be doable.

ChosenUno: that skill has to be more useful than hotkeys.

This post has been edited by Lement: Feb 7 2013, 06:38
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post Feb 7 2013, 07:02
Post #1138

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QUOTE(Lement @ Feb 7 2013, 06:37) *

You get slowly weaker from 340+ without any new mobs.

You get that same slow weakening from 200+ too....Expect you also get quick weakening due stronger mobs popping up as you level too. Getting a schoolgirl arena every 20 levels isn't that big of a benefit, nor is health tank, mp tank, sp tank and magnet at 250.

Your skill however increases, as do your loot drop trainings and hath perks.

Addendum: What's up with that needless wishing for doable IWBTH? It's IWBTH, it is not supposed to be doable.

ChosenUno: that skill has to be more useful than hotkeys.

bring a high level pal, then watch he fights, you will understand how important action speed is

or very simple tests: beat trio and the tree @IWBTH without any scolls, infusions,then beat >356 legeandary item world @IWBTH with minimum focuses, if you can do those, you are not weaker than higher players, see for yourself (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)

This post has been edited by eqwer: Feb 7 2013, 07:35
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post Feb 7 2013, 07:08
Post #1139

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This post has been edited by eqwer: Feb 7 2013, 07:08
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:33
Post #1140

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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I certainly could do the 190 arena on BT without ET when I tried - but I won't be doing it again. Too time-consuming. Ditto for IWBTH, but I'd certainly need ET. Focuses? I thought you were talking about maging, melees use focus. Well, usually. Doing Legendary IW does offer far more of a challenge, I'd rather have staff with econ 5 ready - but this would be about equips then. 1 mob to ET and burn soul off every round isn't that much of a threat, just time-consuming. I'm not even going to try because I don't have the speed nor patience nor skill to chain my spells quickly enough.

For some reason, you're set on doing IWBTH IW as a mage. Why, I cannot figure out.

As for action speed, I distinctly recall high levels anguishing over getting triple-tapped when spellcasting - they have action speed capped, which benefits them as they'd otherwise get quintuple-tapped, so they get weaker. I get single-tapped - I can even eke in a T1 with swiftness scroll.

High levels do have the advantage of money. But I did better when I had all superior- equips than now when I have all mag+ equips. Forging helps this too. They get stronger in spite of levelup, not because of.

This post has been edited by Lement: Feb 7 2013, 08:34
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