QUOTE(sigo8 @ Dec 18 2012, 17:30)
Make it so that IWBTH never has a PL cap.
Hmm. I might do a variation on that, with having difficulties add a certain amount to your "effective" level.
QUOTE(The Evil Phoenix @ Dec 18 2012, 17:41)
any chance of removing the "You will pay X credits" box if you've unlocked Postage Paid? It still pops up, saying "You will pay 0 credits for this". Annoying popups are annoying.
Well I was going to, but then I realized I'd have to version the javascript, so it was like.. maybe next time.
QUOTE(Firethorn @ Dec 18 2012, 18:01)
may I suggest a return of 'spelunker' but instead of it's now useless function of allowing you to do more item worlds faster
The problem with
changing a training instead of simply removing it is that means people will get something different from what they paid for, which they may not necessarily be happy with.
QUOTE(Mantra64 @ Dec 18 2012, 19:37)
Before you had the possibility to farm crystals, but that has been taken away.
You get the same amount of crystals in the new grindfest as you did in the old crysfest, in addition to the other stuff.
QUOTE(danixxx @ Dec 18 2012, 20:08)
Suddenly i hope this is a patch while waiting for the ambitious patch.
Well, yeah.
QUOTE(Tenseigamoon @ Dec 18 2012, 21:05)
Holy crap, that's a bit steep. Can you decrease the cost of that a little?