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> The Fifteenth Annual E-Hentai Galleries Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence, Featuring the drawing of The Fifteenth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery!

post Jan 1 2023, 11:53
Post #1


The Fifteenth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery

2022. Because it's not fun unless you throw in new and exciting challenges every single year.

The PHP Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator returns to draw fifty lucky winners from those who entered. Like previous years, you got one ticket per level. The prize, given to each of the lucky winners, is 200 Hath and one Tenbora's Box.

The winner is: .@_@.@_@. (1392954)
The winner is: Nicosai (3448904)
The winner is: Chizuru Ichinose (638489)
The winner is: yami_zetsu (1286277)
The winner is: charlmin (6243609)
The winner is: soliloquy (407781)
The winner is: FabulousCupcake (1848351)
The winner is: radisu (1097724)
The winner is: choices18 (1815626)
The winner is: Wayward_Vagabond (137530)
The winner is: minson (786094)
The winner is: kujinsi (1460703)
The winner is: dongmian (3476597)
The winner is: zqjr (1099633)
The winner is: pablo903 (966670)
The winner is: greenwold (403604)
The winner is: L_D (249430)
The winner is: EsotericSatire (384226)
The winner is: Pokom (4764920)
The winner is: sehokila (601986)
The winner is: hihohahi (126213)
The winner is: lotto09 (206314)
The winner is: -Kipaliye (3832988)
The winner is: zetsu_ (500147)
The winner is: hgbdd (101194)
The winner is: inumaru12 (417159)
The winner is: huhtech (1106289)
The winner is: edf5543 (992107)
The winner is: Ezekyle (409908)
The winner is: zwitch290 (986106)
The winner is: asaxplayer (36701)
The winner is: ddwiki (254381)
The winner is: quazkov (1103315)
The winner is: Tenrag (519423)
The winner is: KingArtson (1214308)
The winner is: Eungeung_Kor (1263971)
The winner is: rjgc (78989)
The winner is: guard119 (689156)
The winner is: Waitugreat (3172187)
The winner is: kamio11 (1397626)
The winner is: TlchildSinX (287292)
The winner is: sirlachdanan (55286)
The winner is: Forth_Lancer (80402)
The winner is: aaadka (4949516)
The winner is: man1970114 (1320813)
The winner is: nta-008 (725998)
The winner is: TheGreyPanther (582527)
The winner is: bbcec020412 (1231104)
The winner is: nirvarin21 (2078737)
The winner is: zexdeh (6190765)

In addition, everyone who participated in the lottery gets a free Macaron! The Macaron gives a 20% bonus to all gained EXP and 1 Hath every day you visit the site. This effect stacks with the Cookies from previous years.

The Fifteenth Annual E-Hentai Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence

Which is where people get a Whistle for contributing to the site in various ways. Just don't think too hard about where it came from.

Points are awarded for every yearly toplist you place in, with 3 points for a Top 10 placement, 2 points for placing 11th through 25th, and 1 point for placing between 26th and 50th.

3 points or more would get you the Gold Whistle, which adds +100% EXP, +4 Hath and +7000C per dawn event, and +3 mod power.

2 points would get you the Silver Whistle, which adds +75% EXP, +3 Hath and +5000C per dawn event, and +2 mod power.

And 1 point would get you the Bronze Whistle, which adds +50% EXP, +2 Hath and +3000C per dawn event, and +1 mod power.

Additionally, all of the awards grant +2 GB/week of free archive downloads as well as an imaginary cute (?) little shoulder Narehate of your choice.

Everyone who made a Top 50 showing in the yearly toplists will also receive one Tenbora's Box for each placement.


10 Pokom (4764920)
8 Scumbini (2831103)
7 Waitugreat (3172187)
7 Pseudo-Nim (4363899)
6 nasu (3169265)
6 kit07 (569102)
6 Srac (1635371)
5 Marcensie (5326496)
5 3x2 (2317055)
5 泉水小夜 (2052022)
4 Miles Edgeworth (317696)
4 b217285 (2098974)
4 alinoris (761159)
4 思覺失調 (847200)
4 cgc (803161)
4 cs987987 (911792)
4 Fatesifaeve (2022231)
4 Floripes (84182)
4 Janus Mask (3585145)
3 Darwin4078 (2967667)
3 쿠루링빵 (1100614)
3 114514beastman (2694451)
3 ROBBOO (1132407)
3 taxeol (4918614)
3 Dyjin (242475)
3 yyyun (1504807)
3 th-nn11 (4546790)
3 alfredmeow (1857818)
3 Glovelove. (3737344)
3 huhtech (1106289)
3 KEYLUN (1984660)
3 csk233 (1699554)
3 vivagogo (617123)
3 Rаccoon (975311)
3 moanim (1590897)
3 scp10011 (2202854)
3 liliclinton (1099897)
3 atomicpuppy (2328)
3 Asakinb (4396815)
3 wscore (1995846)
3 Shana (223104)
3 Randommember (463350)
3 cutegyaru (1419096)
3 qq3870990 (1725168)
3 t_shitman (1467489)
3 8476411 (3684207)
3 n-drv (664122)
3 Larequirem (1506949)
3 svines85 (976341)
3 vrttn (4817823)
3 ehaa (4103205)
3 RepStormy (5554944)
3 Hot Chocolate (1681043)
3 hobohobo (689598)
3 hirofuru (776797)
3 Rogabute (1913944)
3 mifukata (1285836)
3 jantch (981462)
3 TheGreyPanther (582527)
3 dongmian (3476597)
3 SAAVEDRA117 (4637367)
3 Sushilicious (445951)
3 Chevalier K (1064662)
3 Astia (1009057)
3 Superlatanium (1647739)
3 高垣 楓 (1872548)
3 momijichan (3278989)
3 milannews (976540)
3 darkwing42 (66788)
3 Bowden (399592)


2 浅见恋恋 (2266514)
2 Collins21 (5778723)
2 Byza (3201420)
2 Kessara (315859)
2 TerryTam91 (1151167)
2 fjsdhgft7vg (3579549)
2 Tenrag (519423)
2 ComanderVenom (5003169)
2 wenx° (4877092)
2 LHZ1545256 (5765505)
2 Cipher-kun (1207129)
2 ZΕS (2404269)
2 scf123 (3254686)
2 PanHun (1378258)
2 lnstrumental (2565198)
2 GDJ (3510424)
2 zen_zen (648569)
2 Zero Angel (36342)
2 d0tax (344306)
2 yinscape (675436)
2 COOPER-JACK (4467008)
2 dluin12345 (1590027)
2 하늬바람 (1637129)
2 GodDeceive (2601814)
2 nyealovey (253026)
2 qxxaxxa (1619825)
2 apcnc (2778897)
2 Molinxx (1447302)
2 Auxityne (5011339)
2 枯树昏鸦 (4397024)
2 babydragon0123 (793709)
2 ddvd (4944111)
2 boosharwo (1451449)
2 kamio11 (1397626)
2 Based Brandon (1334122)
2 Shepardus (2720349)
2 0ld0neEye (10383)
2 JnTo (2729643)
2 twinkletoe111 (78786)
2 eunt domus (1613322)
2 AdamAbbott (4203434)
2 Plavantha (2707)
2 镜面光折射 (6166019)
2 cariaiuno (5541086)
2 dragontamer8740 (1097716)
2 yetsun (81973)
2 fuck** (2910876)
2 siacofilla (71579)
2 hoigoigoi (1111181)
2 blacker0713 (1933746)
2 giftz (3207345)
2 sadjklfjs (6013781)
2 Nasen (2702672)
2 Teacher152 (948511)
2 kikimaru024 (160009)
2 芒果好吃 (5796764)
2 TMDlixin250 (6338722)
2 carradio2014 (5550537)
2 Yayavia (3949670)
2 LittleSweetLoli (439791)
2 zwei7 (1472037)
2 ezequiell (547133)
2 Bane13 (256409)
2 lurphysmaw (5313759)
2 klorpa (2506863)
2 cancerstan (3823715)
2 Tgbvfr (40820)
2 subzeroX (189857)
2 romanicyte (4362764)
2 ElisaG (3059093)
2 mundomuñeca (3788586)
2 jfragrettel (1179875)
2 liuzy777 (5604500)


1 yupokamusi (1079911)
1 lancers5566 (3839866)
1 nai309 (1894605)
1 cky (183693)
1 panymdo (4499141)
1 Sapo84 (168392)
1 deadmule (5163928)
1 oneer (789059)
1 PonyPonyPonyPony (1594321)
1 Jigsy (293539)
1 Anderztw34 (1436420)
1 alferezkururu966 (613786)
1 s976113 (462463)
1 bb2willneverrelease (1178937)
1 dtmhtk (2106993)
1 OnceForAll (5648780)
1 Pegasus170 (3031383)
1 真實爽粉 (3794884)
1 sakuraso614 (3793001)
1 noones (600260)
1 pop9 (154972)
1 atasitian (375858)
1 Deulkkae (2115725)
1 sirlachdanan (55286)
1 Snappann (4915300)
1 chachax2 (1197278)
1 dankestdungeon (3315362)
1 Mags_ (560909)
1 Forgunia (3664190)
1 Cazher (553330)
1 suratkabar (1947402)
1 jinsa999 (886854)
1 loogutsp (700357)
1 hentailover6983 (2515494)
1 blueguro (5225065)
1 angelafreet (649958)
1 Fog Magic (755111)
1 Lboiiii69420 (5341026)
1 Ein Sof (2975560)
1 The_Herrenvolk (1361639)
1 devianto (925741)
1 Unko Man (5289986)
1 dkdrup (5334770)
1 dadada12386 (716309)
1 somerandomdude33 (825505)
1 smt nocturne (1547762)
1 ranpers35 (4936881)
1 VatsuX (287978)
1 quanbuzhineng (6614282)
1 IcePlume (2878703)
1 JacKrauser (4664970)
1 Flame13 (1544312)
1 kenabrxg (2161736)
1 Vinatea (286153)
1 Ming28561 (3775954)
1 wrongdoormaster (5701184)
1 8JQFPA (4570684)
1 ChairmanMiao (3342297)
1 nataky16 (511779)
1 monocone (5224716)
1 Godboli (2355685)
1 kidconan2323 (6203516)
1 kiiiii (926131)
1 sadikus (24486)
1 Jackiran (4373143)
1 c8qt (4655967)
1 Jo.To (160561)
1 x392 (372143)
1 BlossomPlus (1269525)
1 tos91041 (2293665)
1 liz33969310 (5151242)
1 TheSeventhCode (6442043)
1 NEET☆遥 (611118)
1 FoS_Owner (1996543)
1 1787951236z (3631972)
1 stev123 (722647)
1 errata (224965)
1 StonyCat (932943)
1 justuser:D (3666854)
1 Concord_e (1145682)
1 rokierokiero (6317791)
1 mozilla browser (829365)
1 Theonik (1063059)
1 Oniiichan (737191)
1 llhhhyk (1649555)
1 saila978 (1103739)
1 Amiganer (5043927)
1 ranfan (845948)
1 sasquatch42 (993289)
1 sissy_girl (2195147)
1 ArmoredPlatypus (4939312)
1 Phasmatic (1173122)
1 imrebuild (4526033)
1 mewsf (1941026)
1 jiongtl (1073642)
1 Dk2017 (3851745)
1 spacelion26 (2226013)
1 feifeito (2763559)
1 FGHRSH (3250284)
1 Darksoul0 (91277)
1 kice (2407317)
1 Kanade Tegusa (6034983)
1 suraxiuxiu (3260156)
1 axeto (1452253)
1 Alan Zhuang (2019960)
1 00_ (4655766)
1 yan418797411 (1246765)
1 NeoAlden (5940217)
1 A359004 (5129967)
1 Kahm (148204)

Additionally, the following people were boosted one or more ranks due to MVP Nominations. This mechanism was first introduced in 2019, where select staffers have been able to nominate people who contribute in ways outside of what can be measured by the toplists. Each nomination adds 1 point. People who were nominated but already qualified for the top one are not listed, and any excess points are not added.

+3: meow_pao (204246)
+3: ericeric91 (367313)
+3: Spectre (2203)
+3: Shank (989173)
+3: PrincessKaguya (4850902)
+3: Nezu (867559)
+3: Mrsuperhappy (1898816)
+3: Mayriad (490854)
+3: Maximum_Joe (589675)
+3: Noni (2977124)

+2: what_is_name (4713630)
+2: peterson123 (892479)
+2: noones (600260)
+2: genl (515114)
+2: OnceForAll (5648780)
+2: Dnkz (1908893)
+2: Deulkkae (2115725)

+1: 프레이 (3950842)
+1: sssss2 (211883)
+1: romanicyte (4362764)
+1: poiuytrewqazx (3139892)
+1: patchpudding (2880987)
+1: mysterymeat3 (199441)
+1: mathl33t (4675561)
+1: kamio11 (1397626)
+1: dragontamer8740 (1097716)
+1: atasitian (375858)
+1: ass_spanker (1068757)
+1: aklfhl (1763802)
+1: ZΕS (2404269)
+1: Nioda (2139773)
+1: NickyMacker (4234882)
+1: Necromusume (986243)
+1: Mags_ (560909)
+1: GREGRE (474167)
+1: Firew (544326)
+1: Cipher-kun (1207129)

Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who have contributed in some way for their hard work in the last year.

And a Happy New Year to all contributors and visitors alike. Akeome, kotoyoro, and all that.

(Thanks to PrincessKaguya for the awards and cookie graphics.)
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post Jan 1 2023, 11:55
Post #2

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post Jan 1 2023, 12:00
Post #3

It's Always Tea-Time
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Congratulations to all the winners, and a happy New Year to all!
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:01
Post #4

Killua Enthusiast
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Level 417 (Godslayer)

Congrats to the winners
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:04
Post #5

Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

I don't win it again
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:14
Post #6

Semi-retired (Busy)
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

Congratulations! Managed to win in the lottery.
Thanks to PrincessKaguya too.

This post has been edited by Pokom: Jan 1 2023, 12:31
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:15
Post #7

✝️ Ascension of Angel ✝️
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I should have probably held off triggering the Dawn til the results are announced.

Congrats to the winners.

This post has been edited by PrincessKaguya: Jan 1 2023, 12:16
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:17
Post #8

I'm the sukebei, for I am holding all hentai in my hands
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 277 (Ascended)

Thanks to the Vigilante crowd, you're doing Gods' work. Hopefully this year i'll be able to come back and do stuff!
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:20
Post #9

Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 88
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Level 493 (Dovahkiin)

Congratulations! Happy New Year guys. Wish all of you stay healthy in the 2023
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:26
Post #10

Dreaming of thick thighs
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oh my, I won a box! Now I just need to sell it to someone willing to gamble on it instead of me.

(IMG:[i.postimg.cc] https://i.postimg.cc/pdwWHgnd/satania-laugh2.gif)

This post has been edited by Tenrag: Jan 1 2023, 12:28
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:33
Post #11

Hataraku Noni-sama
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congrats to all the winners!
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:34
Post #12

Veteran Poster
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Congratulations everyone!
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:35
Post #13

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post Jan 1 2023, 12:53
Post #14

Member of the Bal'masqué
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:54
Post #15

Casual Poster
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Congratulations to the winners and happy new year!
I didn't expect to be nominated.
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:54
Post #16

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Congratulations ! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 1 2023, 12:58
Post #17

Regular Poster
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Congratulations to the winners and thanks for the nominate.
Happy new year!
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post Jan 1 2023, 13:02
Post #18

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Congrats to the winners (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 1 2023, 13:05
Post #19

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Congratulations and happy new year !
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post Jan 1 2023, 13:07
Post #20

Casual Poster
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Congrats to all the winners and happy New Year!
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