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> The Hentai@Home Project

post Jun 28 2009, 18:36
Post #1


What do I need to run Hentai@Home?

- Any OS with a proper Java VM. Most versions of Windows, Linux, Mac OS and other Unix flavors should work.

- [adoptopenjdk.net] OpenJDK, version 8 or newer. This is also available directly in most Linux distro repositories.

- At least a 100 Mbit/s connection, measured to at least 80 Mbit/s for BOTH upload and download. At least 2500 KB/s must be dedicated for H@H.

- At least 10 GB of disk space dedicated for H@H.

- A public IPv4 address, or the ability to forward a port from your Internet router to your local PC. Most home connections can do this, but there is NO WAY to operate H@H if you don't have either. If you are behind a NAT router/firewall (most home connections are), you have to forward port 443 (preferred) or a port between 1024-65534 to your local computer.

- The server or computer running H@H must be running 24/7. Restarts and occasional longer shutdowns are acceptable, but running H@H on a computer that's shut down frequently (like every night) is not possible. In general it will be expected to maintain at least 90% uptime over a six-month period.

- If you live in a country that happens to be blocking E-Hentai, you may not be able to run H@H. This particularly applies to South Korea.

You cannot sign up for a client unless your raw connection speed is at least 100 Mbps in BOTH directions, and it can sustain at least 40 Mbps = 5000 KB/s of outgoing traffic at all times. Do not ask for exceptions.

How do I participate in the Hentai@Home Project?

Use this sign-up form.

If you need additional clients, send me a PM. Make sure to include the following information:

- The maximum bandwidth that will be reserved for the client. Note that this will be limited by your OUTGOING bandwidth, not the rate you can download at.

- How much disk space it can use for the image cache.

Please make sure that you meet the minimum requirements, found above.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but make sure to read this post in full first.

What is Hentai@Home?

The soundbite: SETI@Home meets BitTorrent.

All participating members run a small client written in Java, that downloads files from the main server and passes them on to people who browse E-Hentai.org and E-Hentai Galleries. This allows us to serve many more files with much smaller centralized need for bandwidth.

What benefits do I get from running Hentai@Home?

Basically you'll get 0.1 GP for each hit on your server, as well as be able to fight for a toplist position. You will also earn Hath, used to purchase Hath Perks.

You also get a free quota for use with the site's gallery archiver system or the built-in gallery downloader.

What is the Hentai@Home Downloader?

The new Hentai@Home Downloader, introduced in version 1.3.0, can automatically download a gallery in a resolution of your choice. To use it, simply have H@H running, then select a download option from the Archiver popup.

H@H isn't uploading anything!

In order to fully activate on the network, the H@H client needs to maintain a Trust above 0, Quality above 2000 and Max Speed (tested) above 400 KB/s (Asia) or 800 KB/s (non-Asia). Failure to reach any of these requirements will make it idle on the network and wait until the requirements are reached.

Note that it can take a long time before brand new clients see any notable traffic. This does not mean there is anything wrong with the client, just leave it running and it'll pick up eventually.

What is Trust and Quality?

Trust and Quality are two metrics used by the system to weed out misbehaving or malfunctioning clients to minimize image load problems for visitors on our site.

Trust measures the reliability for your client as tested by the E-Hentai servers and other H@H clients. As long as your trust is positive, it doesn't matter for rewards or utilization how high it is. All clients will have occasional blips from time to time, usually caused by particular routing problems between your client and another client that's asked to test it. However, a consistently low or negative trust can indicate a problem or overload condition on your connection, or a problem with the client itself.

Quality measures the rate of failed image loads for your client. A higher Quality will generally lead to higher utilization, and if it doesn't exceed 2000, the system will temporarily avoid using it.

What is the Java SE Runtime?

Java is a Virtual Machine that allows Hentai@Home to run on all operating systems for which the runtime is made available. You can download a version suitable for your operating system from [www.java.com] this website.

How do I decide which port to run it on?

Generally, port 443 and most ports above 1024 is fine. Depending on your OS, H@H may not be able to use port 443 unless you run it as a privileged user, which is not recommended. Port 1024 or above is recommended in this case.

You may need to make an exception in your firewall, if any, for the port you decide to open. This includes any firewalls built into whatever box you use to connect to the Internet, and local firewalls on your computer. If you do not have any control over the firewall between the internet and your computer, you may not be able to run H@H.

The port you have selected may also have to be forwarded to your local computer; see below.

How can I tell if I have a public IP address, and if I haven't, how do I forward a port?

If you use Linux, I assume you know this. If you use Windows, open a command prompt, then type "ipconfig". If the IP address starts with 10. or 192.168. you have a private IP and will have to forward a port. How you do this depends on your router, but as a rule you have to point your browser to the "default gateway" listed by ipconfig and locate the section commonly known as "Port Forwarding" or "Virtual Servers". After locating this, create a forwarding for a TCP port of your liking to the IP address ipconfig reported.

If you cannot figure out how to forward a port, look at the guides available from [portforward.com] PortForward.com, select your router from their list of setup guides, and select "Default Guide" (you won't find H@H on their list. Also, H@H doesn't have a default port, so you can use any port you want). If they don't have your specific brand of router, look in the manual for your router, try googling for "(your brand and make) port forwarding" or, if you are leasing it from an ISP, ask them.

Note that there is no possible way to run Hentai@Home unless you have a public IP address or the ability to forward a port it can listen to.

How do I determine how fast my outgoing bandwidth is?

You can use any of a number of bandwidth measuring sites out there. I recommend [speedtest.net] SpeedTest.net, only because they have a number of test servers around the world, making it easier to get an accurate estimate.

Please note the difference between KB/s or KBps, and Kb/s or Kbps. The first two with an upper-case B measure kilobytes per second, while the last two with a lower-case b measure kilobits per second. 1 kilobyte = 8 kilobits. SpeedTest.net gives the speed in kilobits per second, while H@H uses kilobytes per second as the base unit. Make sure to use the correct one, or your throttle could be set to 8 times more or 1/8th the speed you desire.

Should I worry about viruses, backdoors and remote exploits?

Hentai@Home is currently run by thousands of people, and none of them have ever been infected with a virus through Hentai@Home. The simple fact that Hentai@Home is written in Java already stops many remote exploits possible in other programs. It does not include or install any form of adware or spyware, and it does not contain any functionality not described here. So the short answer is no, you are not exposing yourself to more of a risk than you are running any other program.

Hentai@Home is also an Open Source program released under the GPL v3. You can download the source from https://e-hentai.org/hentaiathome.php, verify the code, and build your own version if you wish.

Where can I get the actual Hentai@Home Client and updates?

Download them from https://e-hentai.org/hentaiathome.php.

You can also modify settings for your client from this page, by clicking the name of the client in question.

What happens if my cache fills up? Should I delete it to free up space?

You should never delete files from the cache, doing so will significantly reduce the trust of your client. When the cache has filled up, the client will automatically start deleting the least recently used files to free up space.

Common Problems

See the Technical Issues section on the wiki.
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