A Python client for H@H, py_hath |
Jun 13 2013, 10:33
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Update: Now fully up-to-date, with support for H@H proxying and static ranges.Added tests and almost-complete documentation.Support for Apache server's X-Sendfile. This means you can serve files with Apache, which should be faster than either the Java or the Python client.I've written a Python client for Hentai@Home. (No good reason, just because I felt like it.) It's available [ www.dropbox.com] here, with installation instructions below. Info:- Speed depends on the server software you run it with.
- If you run it with the right software, it's approximately as fast as the Java version. (I'm judging from the H@H stats, so this is not a well-backed estimate.)
- Supports HTTP caching (not much of a pro, because of the H@H timestamp system, but still nice.)
- Doesn't support gallery downloading, because I don't use it.
- It should run with any SQL database system that SQLAlchemy (the database library it uses) supports, which is pretty much all of them. However, I've only tested it with SQLite, so don't take my word for it.
Easy Installation for WindowsDownload the folder [ www.dropbox.com] here and run hath.exe. If you put it the same folder as your Java client, it can use the same cache and database files. Programming details:py_hath is a WSGI (a Python server specification) application, and must be run using a WSGI-compiant server. It uses the Bottle mini-web framework and SQLAlchemy, an object-oriented library and abstraction for dealing with SQL. It runs in both Python 2 and 3, using six (a compatibility library packaged with it) to help with this. (It has only been tested in Python 2.7 and 3.3, the most recent versions of Python, so it may or may not run in older versions.) Installation from source:- If you don't have Python installed, [www.python.org] install Python. (It comes installed on Unix and Macs, but not on Windows.)
- [www.pip-installer.org] Install pip (a Python package manager), if you don't have it installed already.
- Select and install a WSGI-compliant server (partial list [bottlepy.org] here).
- Go to a command prompt and run:
pip install sqlalchemy -U pip install bottle -U - [www.dropbox.com] Download py_hath
- py_hath can be placed in your Java client's installation directory (right next to where the Jar files are) and should be able to use the Java client's database files and login information.
Running instructions:- It shares the original's command line options, though it doesn't use all of them (todo: document this better). Two additional options are "wsgi_server", which is given a value from [bottlepy.org] here and "sql_engine", which is given a string such as "sqlite:///path\to\file" ([docs.sqlalchemy.org] more details here). You can probably ignore "sql_engine", but you should set "wsgi_server" to the name of the server you downloaded earlier.
- Run the file hath.py (make sure it's with the right version of python) with desired command line options, and the server should start up and start working.
Running py_hath under Apache with X-SendfileTo use this, install [ code.google.com] mod_wsgi and [ tn123.org] mod_xsendfile and have a httpd.conf something like the following: CODE LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so LoadModule xsendfile_module modules/mod_xsendfile.so
listen 1201 <VirtualHost _default_> XSendFile On
WSGIScriptAlias / {{DIRECTORY OF PY_HATH}}/serve.wsgi
Obviously, replace {{DIRECTORY OF PY_HATH}} with the directory that py_hath is in. This post has been edited by borgler: Mar 19 2014, 22:43
Jun 13 2013, 16:37
blue penguin
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Wow, that was some hard work. Thank you.
Python is more friendly than java for a linux machine. I do not promise this for the close future, but I'll test it on a raspberry pi (which is optimised for python and not for java, the python version might be faster there).
It's also a good reason for me to learn bottle.
Jun 13 2013, 21:37
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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jun 13 2013, 07:37)  I do not promise this for the close future, but I'll test it on a raspberry pi (which is optimised for python and not for java, the python version might be faster there).
Thanks, post here if you do. Has anyone tried this yet? Just curious. Also, I don't really expect a response, but I'm wondering what Tenboro thinks of this.
Mar 13 2014, 04:32
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Update: new version, now fully up-to-date with Hentai@Home 1.2.0 (the latest version). Added fairly complete tests and documentation.
Support for Apache server's X-Sendfile. This means you can serve files with Apache, which should be faster than either the Java or the Python client. See details above.
Now supports proxying!
This post has been edited by borgler: Mar 14 2014, 00:50
Jun 15 2014, 00:00
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Running this on my pi now. The Java version kept crashing after running for a few days. Let's see how this goes...
Jun 18 2014, 09:28
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Pretty cool especially if there are performance gains at all.
Jun 19 2014, 04:45
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Great, now that you've done X-SendFile for apache, do nginx next (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I mean if you really want the best performance and all.
Jun 21 2014, 01:01
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Not really into python, but DEAR LORD ,someone STICKY THIS SOMEWHERE.
Jul 30 2014, 17:37
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Trying it now, but man, what kind of WSGI-compliant server would anyone suggest? And how do I install it? EDIT: Here's the list of installed Python frameworks as well: CODE root@server:~# pip freeze SQLAlchemy==0.9.7 argparse==1.2.1 bottle==0.12.7 wsgiref==0.1.2 How do I inspect python and pip's version number? Anway, be sure to run hash -r after upgrading pip, lest it goes to the wrong directory. This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Jul 30 2014, 17:46
Jul 31 2014, 00:42
blue penguin
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QUOTE(LostLogia4 @ Jul 30 2014, 16:37)  Trying it now, but man, what kind of WSGI-compliant server would anyone suggest? And how do I install it? You have two decent options: [ uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org] uwsgi or [ gunicorn.org] green unicorn. Both are good, uwsgi is more "unix like" whilst gunicor is an "ruby on rails" philosophy adopter. You can install both with pip, but you certainly will need gcc, glibc-devel and possibly some others on your system. Some of the code for those beasts is in C (and not in python), as they need to be fast. QUOTE How do I inspect python and pip's version number? CODE pip list ?
Jul 31 2014, 02:05
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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jul 31 2014, 06:42)  You have two decent options: [ uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org] uwsgi or [ gunicorn.org] green unicorn. Both are good, uwsgi is more "unix like" whilst gunicor is an "ruby on rails" philosophy adopter. You can install both with pip, but you certainly will need gcc, glibc-devel and possibly some others on your system. Some of the code for those beasts is in C (and not in python), as they need to be fast. Thanks. I'll try. Oh, but how to I execute py_hath on one specific WSGI server? Also, about X-Sendfile thingy, how am I supposed to edit Apache's listening port? QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jul 31 2014, 06:42)  CODE root@server:~# pip list argparse (1.2.1) bottle (0.12.7) Warning: cannot find svn location for distribute==0.6.24dev-r0 distribute (0.6.24dev-r0) pip (1.5.6) setuptools (0.6c11) SQLAlchemy (0.9.7) wsgiref (0.1.2)
Jul 31 2014, 02:29
blue penguin
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QUOTE(LostLogia4 @ Jul 31 2014, 01:05)  Thanks. I'll try. Oh, but how to I execute py_hath on one specific WSGI server?
Also, about X-Sendfile thingy, how am I supposed to edit Apache's listening port? Each server have it's own ways of doing it, it's a classic "there's more than one way to do it". I normally use nginx (instead of apache) and uwsgi, then configure a uwsgi emperor in /etc/uwsgi and one vassal in /etc/uwsgi/vassals. In theory, you can get away without using apache or nginx at all, but that might not be a good idea. The setup of a lot of web servers with uwsgi is here: [ uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org] http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/WebServers.html . But you still will need to do some reading about why the hell you need two web servers working together to serve a file through a web framework (there is a very good reason for that but it's a lengthy read). PS: apache (and nginx too) have thousands of configuration parameters. You need to know (at least a little) what you're doing to not fuck things up. On the other hand, documentation and tutorials on how to configure those things are good. QUOTE CODE root@server:~# pip list argparse (1.2.1) bottle (0.12.7) Warning: cannot find svn location for distribute==0.6.24dev-r0 distribute (0.6.24dev-r0) pip (1.5.6) setuptools (0.6c11) SQLAlchemy (0.9.7) wsgiref (0.1.2) That's the best of what you will get on version numbers. From what I see they match to your freeze. This post has been edited by blue penguin: Jul 31 2014, 02:32
Jul 31 2014, 04:34
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Who's been running this client? Any issues?
I found that the java client actually runs with only 32MB memory usage with cache at 1 GB. I can easily run a few of them on a 256MB VPS. Not sure what will happen once the cache starts getting big, but it seems like the Java client isn't that bad. Other than it randomly sucking up huge amounts of CPU (it starting using 600% on a shared seedbox during some proxy usage)
This post has been edited by awvnx: Jul 31 2014, 04:35
Jul 31 2014, 05:10
blue penguin
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I've started setting up the python client once, but couldn't find the time to finish the setup and test it.
Jul 31 2014, 17:16
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So, letting go of Apache for now, I have to somehow configure bottle to run uwgsi and make it execute py.hath on my desired IP address? That's a rather tall order for a novice Linux user like me... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
py_hath.zip ( 33.71k )
Number of downloads: 39This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Aug 13 2014, 05:26
Aug 1 2014, 07:48
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(awvnx @ Jul 31 2014, 10:34)  Who's been running this client? Any issues?
I found that the java client actually runs with only 32MB memory usage with cache at 1 GB. I can easily run a few of them on a 256MB VPS. Not sure what will happen once the cache starts getting big, but it seems like the Java client isn't that bad. Other than it randomly sucking up huge amounts of CPU (it starting using 600% on a shared seedbox during some proxy usage)
I've been testing it out with several WSGI servers but they made my trust / quality drop like crazy so I stopped using it. So far, cherrypy and tornado worked best for me, not as good as Java client though. Want to try the Apache with X-Sendfile thingie but haven't got the time to. Just 32MB memory usage? Wow, is that with --use_less_memory switch? Mine uses around 250+MB without that switch with Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) , but my cache size is much higher.
Aug 1 2014, 08:07
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I've seen the client use 400MB when running it on a seedbox with huge RAM, and 150MB on another machine. Both 20 GB cache.
But when I run it on a 32-bit VPS (Debian 7) it only uses around 32MB. Cache now 2.5GB for each one. No switches changed.
Apr 23 2021, 23:58
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Still alive?
Apr 24 2021, 00:22
blue penguin
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After 7 years, obviously not. Bad necro
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