145 21 You gain 3431 Credits!
145 20 You gain 1759367 EXP!
145 19 Arena Token Bonus! [Chaos Token]
145 18 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Phase Cap of Niflheim]
145 17 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
145 16 Verdandi dropped [3x Crystal of Tempest]
145 15 Urd dropped [Godly Health Potion]
145 14 You are Victorious!
145 13 Cooldown expired for Backstab
145 12 The effect Chain 2 has expired.
145 11 Verdandi has been defeated.
145 10 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 86892 void damage.
145 9 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 85118 void damage.
145 8 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 93098 void damage.
145 7 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 101078 void damage.
145 6 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 71819 void damage.
145 5 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 91325 void damage.
145 4 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 104625 void damage.
145 3 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 74479 void damage.
145 2 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 100191 void damage.
145 1 You use Frenzied Blows.
Sapling: Fine Plate Greaves of Warding