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> [WTS] Die Schwertkreuz Magie Atelier, Welcome to my humble proxy shop

post Apr 24 2014, 03:42
Post #1

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 2,716
Joined: 4-June 11
Level 362 (Godslayer)

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/YIMfTTC.jpg)

Post what item you want here and send the credits via MM, then I'll send you as soon as possible. (CoD request is available.) First come first serve basis applies.

Star Sponsorship Plan
Upfront Payment : 25 Megacredits or it's Hath equivalent per star.
Number of Gold Star Sponsors : 0
I wish I could sponsor... but, my salary's going off to college fee and I can't budget my college's allowance for this. :heh:

Terms and Conditions
- You have to pay the sponsorship cost upfront to me.
- You are required to give a valid Bitcoin address hosted on E-Hentai here.
- If you have creditors backing you up, you'll have to disclose them to me.
- The sponsorship offer is available only to well-known HV players, with clean record of transactions.

Current LoTD Level 16
Current Archaeologist Level 3
IW Service
Will be opened... Soon...™

Elemental Staves for sale, 80k each
SF00 [] Legendary Arctic Oak Staff of Heimdall, 825k
SF01 [] Exquisite Hallowed Oak Staff of Heimdall
SF02 [] Exquisite Shocking Willow Staff of Destruction
SF03 [] Exquisite Demonic Willow Staff of Destruction
SF04 [] Exquisite Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Destruction

Phase Armaments for trade
Magnificent Phase Robe of Freyr

Phase Armaments for sale, 120k for magnificients, 50k for 3PAB exquisites, 30k for 2PAB exquisites:

[SU-01] Exquisite Phase Shoes of Surtr [Original owner:malkatmp]
CA01F [] Magnificent Phase Gloves of Surtr [seller:holy_demon] 50k
[NF-01] Exquisite Phase Pants of Niflheim [Original owner:malkatmp]
[MJ-01] Exquisite Phase Shoes of Mjolnir
[FR-01] Exquisite Phase Gloves of Freyr [Original owner:malkatmp]
CA01H [] Exquisite Phase Cap of Heimdall [seller:Aegnor Alkarin]
CA03H [] Exquisite Phase Gloves of Heimdall [seller:Aegnor Alkarin]
CA04H [] Exquisite Frugal Phase Pants of Heimdall [seller:Lord Juice]
CA05H [] Exquisite Charged Phase Pants of Heimdall [seller:PSPhreak]
CA06H [] Exquisite Phase Pants of Heimdall [seller:Aegnor Alkarin]
CA07H [] Exquisite Frugal Phase Shoes of Heimdall
CA08H [] Exquisite Phase Shoes of Heimdall [seller:Miles Edgeworth]
CA09H [] Exquisite Phase Shoes of Heimdall [seller:Valkit]
CA10H [] Exquisite Jade Phase Shoes of Heimdall [seller:PSPhreak]

Shade Armaments for sale, 120k for magnificients, 50k for 4PAB exquisites, 40k for 3PAB exquisites:
LA02 [] Exquisite Shade Helmet of the Fleet
LA03 [] Exquisite Shade Leggings of Negation

Slaughter Armaments for sale, 100k each (-10k per base ADB below SupMAX):

Cotton Equips for sale.
CA03 [] Magnificent Gossamer Cap of the Earth-walker [seller:FATAL1T3] *offer*

List of Auctions:
Die Schwertkreuz Atelier Renaissance Arc 1st
Die Schwertkreuz Atelier Renaissance Arc #02
Die Schwertkreuz Atelier Renaissance Arc #03
Die Schwertkreuz Atelier Renaissance Type-IV
Kantai Dengekihime Auction Type-Victoire
Die Schwertkrewz Atelier Renaissance Type-VI

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Oct 13 2014, 14:11
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post Jul 8 2014, 09:54
Post #2

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 2,716
Joined: 4-June 11
Level 362 (Godslayer)

[extra page just in case]
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post Jul 8 2014, 09:55
Post #3

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 2,716
Joined: 4-June 11
Level 362 (Godslayer)

[extra page just in case]
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post Aug 13 2014, 15:56
Post #4

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 2,716
Joined: 4-June 11
Level 362 (Godslayer)

Bump for opening the shop for real.

Also, announcing that I'll be running auctions mainly when I have enough awesomesauce equips for sale.
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post Aug 16 2014, 14:53
Post #5

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 2,716
Joined: 4-June 11
Level 362 (Godslayer)

Added a few shade armors
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