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> [Service] My Little Pony Exchange Store, Ponymas service, all year long. Now with useful basic accounting facts.

post Mar 7 2014, 06:05
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Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
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(IMG:[e-hentai-countdown.darknessfall.com] http://e-hentai-countdown.darknessfall.com/EH-Cdwn.png?&month=12&day=25&year=2014&hour=00&minute=00&expire=Merry%Ponymas)
This is not your typical store.
This is a Pony trafficking figurine exchange thread... well, more of a trade center.

This is more than just a "what to trade" thread though. I'm here to help you as an intermediary for those who's looking to unlock the Orbital Friendship Cannon.
Just post your Pony Figurine WTB list with on this thread and I'll add it to the Santa Pony's list, a one-stop list for prospective Pony buyers. Pony Auctioneers who would pay a premium for their Ponies will be on their own, though.
And of course, I'm not hoarding these Ponies just for the sake of trading, I'll give them as their gift for the completion for their Orbital Friendship Satellites, all for... not for free, sadly - that all depends on acquisition costs and supplies.

Exchange Terms and Conditions (subject to change):
- First and foremost, this is an exchange store. All these figurines are not for (direct) sale, rent or auctions by any means. This also means I don't earn so much of a single credit form this service, though I may receive donations (preferably figurines!).
- To exchange a Pony, send in a figurine via with CoD up to 80k and state your desired Pony and I'll send you your desired figurine ASAP at the same pricing.
- First come first serve. In the event your desired figurine is not available for exchange at the time, then your username will be listed in this store and you are entitled to buy any of your desired figurine for the same price from the exchange store.

Acquisition Terms and Conditions (subject to change):
- I can buy your figurine up to 80k and they may be refunded within one week on request as long as they're available. It is recommended for you to sell them to me at lower price so I can sell them to prospective buyers at lower prices, you'll be able to buy one from this store at lower price as well as long as I have sufficient stock (i.e. more than one).
- If you send me free Ponies, then you'll be entitled for a figurine for each figurine sent in this exchange store until you explicitly disclaims the entitlement, after which the ownership for the figurine will be fully transferred into.
- You should try selling the figurines to those in the Santa Pony wishlist first; they needed them more than I do, and they are willing to pay a reasonable price for them.
- Note that I still have my own WTS list open for buying Ponies to complete my own set; these figurines won't appear in this store until I have at least two of them in my inventory.

Redemption Terms and Conditions (subject to change):
- You can submit your WTB link with a list of Ponies to this thread, which will be registered to the Santa Pony wishlist until they're closed for any Pony purchases. Those who explicitly express their willingness to pay their figurines for more than 100k in their WTB link are not eligible to be added to the wishlist.
- You'll be eligible to redeem the "Final Pony" as your 21st figurine in your collection from this store after you've been registered into the Santa Pony wishlist. Note that you'll have to disclose all your existing figurines and number of remaining ponies for completion in your WTB list. I would very much delighted if you would at least say your thanks for the Final Pony.
- Only one figurine is redeemable per member specifically for the OFC completion at current supply and demand. After that, your WTB link will be moved to Ponymas Wishlist Tree if you kept the thread open, you won't be getting any from this store without sending me any.
- The final figurine will be sent on CoD, with the figurine sent will be the one I acquired for the cheapest price that you don't have. if I have three or more redundant Ponies acquired on debit, then the two most expensive Ponies will be balanced. If I acquired these for free, I'll offer them for free as well.
    Acquisition Statistics:
    001 Ponies obtained (from Hentaiverse)
    004 Ponies debited (acquired for HV credits)
    001 Ponies credited (entrusted free of charge)
    006 Ponies in stock
    Redemption Statistics:
    000 Final Ponies redeemed (to prospective OFC users)
List of users in Santa Pony wishlist (for those seeking their 21st figurine - the Final Pony)Ponymas Wishlist Tree (for those seeking their 27th figurine - the Final Figurine):
    LostLogia4 - yep, that's me seeking 27 Ponies for 70-75k.
List of users who redeemed their Final Pony from this store:List of users with credited figurines:
    simrock87, eligible for 1 figurine from this store.
List of available Ponies for exchange:
[1] Pinkie Pie Figurine
- Acquired from yobi00, original acquisition at 80k.
[1] Big Macintosh Figurine
- Traded for Daring Do with duffbeer, original acquisition at 80k.
[1] Vinyl Scratch Figurine
- Traded for Cheerilee Figurine with Drakewyn, come with 40k CoD on redemption.
[1] Trixie Figurine
- Traded for Lyra Heartstrings with duffbeer, original acquisition free of charge, come with 40k CoD on redemption.
[1] Rainbow Dash Figurine
- Traded for AppleJack with duffbeer, original acquisition at 80k.
[1] Derpy Hooves Figurine
- Traded for Pinkie Pie with Drakewyn, original acquisition free of charge.

Useful script:
Unshrinable Figurines v1.2f, main code by oohmrparis, script written by me.

List of Pony Trading Partners:
avalhcz - Figurine seller and trader

kos9494 - Figurine seller and trader

Random accounting fact:
- Debit came from Latin word "debitum", which means "to owe". In trial balance, it represents the company's asset and expenses on the left side of the entry.
- Credit came from Latin word "creditum", which means "to entrust". In trial balance, it represents the company's equity, liabilities and revenues on the right side of the entry.
- When I buy the figurines, I owe the ownership right for these figurines as well, and thus I'm obliged to pay them should I wish to own the figurine as "assets owned by equity".
This is based loosely on how debit card works.
- When a figurine is donated to me, then the figurine is said to have been "entrusted" (credited) to me, and thus are entitled to redeem a Pony from this store as part of the "assets owned by liability".
This is based loosely on how credit card works, minus the interest as this is a non-profit service.
- Banks uses people's money to make more money, either by investment or by bank loans, among other things. All these people's money are "assets owned by liability", and banks can live with high liability as long as they return their money whenever they need it, which is to say, never all of them. They can actually loses all of the people's money owed by liability, but that would require all of their bank account holders to withdraw all of their money from the bank.
- Insurance companies basically works by pooling their money earned from their insurance fees. Their insurance service will take effect when the client is exposed to the risk insured by the policy, and that's where their risk management skill comes in. This store works the same way, just change the real-world money into Pony figurines. That, and this store is essentially a Pony Trade Center.
- Just like any companies, banks can even go bankrupt when they bleed too much money with no possible way to recover from the loss.
Basically, a bankrupt company is essentially "checkmate'd" in the industrial game.

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Aug 1 2014, 19:14
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post Apr 4 2014, 17:45
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A certain pervert. OT expert. Just dancing around in the game.
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that's completely unheard of, nice idea
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post Apr 4 2014, 17:53
Post #3

Reasons to love the IRS.
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Odd/Rare... IT CAN WORK!!!
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post Apr 4 2014, 18:07
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Not completely sure how this works but would like to trade Applejack for Twilight Sparkle which would put me at 20/21. However, I have all the others currently in stock and would have to wait until you get one of my missing ones to complete the set. Here is my WTB link:

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post Apr 4 2014, 18:09
Post #5

Now hooning: Subaru Rex 2.0 (flipped the 1.0)
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This is a fantastic idea. +1
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post Apr 4 2014, 18:15
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great!,this could be the hope of poor newbie like me who only holds 7 ponies. here is my WTB link:


This post has been edited by xyzjarod: Apr 4 2014, 18:28
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post Apr 4 2014, 18:32
Post #7

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tbh, i'd wish we can have a centralize implemented Buy/Sell system in the HV system. though, this can be the next best thing.
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post Apr 4 2014, 18:38
Post #8

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
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Updated. Notice that I now have two (spare) Applejacks, one acquired from CZer for the Twilight Sparkle obtained from simrock87 free of charge, the another is acquired from kuro009 at 80k.
In the event two persons needed a Twilight Sparkle to complete their OFC, the first one will get it for free, the second will have to pay the 80k. In the rare event I found out they need the same figurine simultaneously, both of them will pay 40k for the figurine. I'll pool the overall costs as I have more redundant Ponies, though I'll keep at least one free Ponies around.

Also, exchanges is free of cost:I don't charge you at all for the exchange: it's the redeeming that'll cost you. Also, you can request the redemption, but I reserves the final judgement: you don't get to choose the final Pony half the time, and you must pay the price I imposed on you for the figurine.

Also, I would much appreciated your effort to list all your existing figurines and number of remaining ponies for completion in your WTB list. You wouldn't be fully legible for the Final Pony till then.

Now please excuse me while I catch my beauty sleep, it's GMT+8 in my location, and it's midnight by the time I type this extensive reply... is what I thought... until I realized that I had erroneously mistakenly listed the Applejack for Twilight Sparkle...oh, and Scremaz, thank you for the info, but to me, these extra BBcodes is simply more trouble than I find it's worth for simplicity's sake.

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Apr 8 2014, 07:27
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post Apr 4 2014, 18:47
Post #9

A certain pervert. OT expert. Just dancing around in the game.
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QUOTE(LostLogia4 @ Apr 4 2014, 17:38) *

Updated. Notice that I now have two (spare) Twilight Sparkles, one acquired for free from simrock87, another is acquired from CZer, with acquisition cost for the Applejack at 80k.
In the event two persons needed a Twilight Sparkle to complete their OFC, the first one will get it for free, the second will have to pay the 80k. In the rare event I found out they need the same figurine simultaneously, both of them will pay 40k for the figurine. I'll pool the overall costs as I have more redundant Ponies, though I'll keep at least one free Ponies around.

Also, exchanges is free of cost:I don't charge you at all for the exchange: it's the redeeming that'll cost you.

don't know if you already know it, but if you want a cleaner format try the [list] and [indent] tags (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Apr 5 2014, 09:41
Post #10

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
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CZer have already completed his Orbital Friendship Cannon. His Final Pony wasn't the one from this shop, but then again, it doesn't really matter to me who delivers them. If this thread would at least help those who needs it, then this store have accomplished it's goal - to deliver Ponies to those who wants them.

So now that I only need 1 more I can purchase from you if you get one in that will complete my set, is that correct?
To be precise, I offer them to you at a reasonable pricing (though that'll be 80k right now due to high acquisition cost until I got one at lower price).

Also, the Final Pony is redeemable only as your 21st Pony, and you'll need to fully disclose all your existing Ponies and the number count of your figurines. so you would've liked to update your WTB list ASAP.

After you've redeemed the Final Pony, you will be listed in "Redeemed the Final Pony" userlist, and you wouldn't be buying any without giving any from there.
Technically you can buy one figurine per figurine you sold to me all at same price, but I'll have to limit that lest my supply would've gone in an instant. If you send them for free you can redeem a figurine for free a week later (a delayed exchange), y'know, in case you want Princess Celestia figurine or something. I'm basically playing with two types of "shareholders" to kept my trade going.
- A conversation from Mooglemail with Czer... the content is the same, but this isn't word-to-word accurate text.

Speaking of which, have anyone noticed the timer at the top of of this thread?

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Apr 5 2014, 09:46
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post Apr 5 2014, 11:19
Post #11

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QUOTE(LostLogia4 @ Apr 5 2014, 08:41) *

Speaking of which, have anyone noticed the timer at the top of of this thread?

yep, i was just asking you if it was the countdown until Christmas or something...
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post Apr 5 2014, 12:34
Post #12

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Apr 5 2014, 17:19) *
yep, i was just asking you if it was the countdown until Christmas or something...
It's a timer up to hour 0000 UTC 25th December 2014, to be precise...

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Apr 5 2014, 17:29
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post Apr 7 2014, 02:54
Post #13

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
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Traded three times with avalhcz in total, now added a short description for what this exchange store really does and update my sig as per suggestion from varst.

09.04.2014 - Obtained Angel Bunny figurine as arena clear bonus, the second Pony I ever obtained as loot from HV.
11.04.2014 - Couldn't resist buying a certain figurine I don't have, so I went ahead and bought it right away. It's quite expensive (the most expensive I bought so far) though, so I wouldn't list it in this store.
30.04.2014 - kos9494's shop is now open for trading figurines.

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: Apr 30 2014, 02:49
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post May 1 2014, 00:53
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I just gotten a second Vinyl Scratch Figurine, can I trade it with any other figurine here? Except Trixie since thats the only other pony I have at the moment (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post May 7 2014, 12:44
Post #15

Bakorra & Kannakama
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Sent Lyra Heartstrings Figurine in exchange for Berry Punch, thx ^^

This post has been edited by tempasdf: May 8 2014, 00:45
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post May 7 2014, 18:47
Post #16

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Sent Rainbow Dash Figurine for Gummy Figurine.
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post May 8 2014, 02:54
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Sent Trixie Figurine for Cheerilee Figurine.
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post May 8 2014, 03:02
Post #18

Translating Miku's Yuri Nikki for the heck of it~~
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3 Ponies exchanged.

This post has been edited by LostLogia4: May 8 2014, 13:33
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post May 8 2014, 05:35
Post #19

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Btw, I'd like you to insert my avatar under the links to my shop will that be okay? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
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post May 8 2014, 08:03
Post #20

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Sent Daring Do Figurine for Doctor Whooves Figurine
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